Armchair Dragoons Forums


  • The ACDC returns in 2025!  17-19 January 2025 we'll gather online for a variety of games and chats all weekend long
  • SAVE THE DATE!  The Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly will be held 11-13 October 2024 in Raleigh/Cary, NC


SAVE THE DATE!  The Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly will be held 11-13 October 2024 in Raleigh/Cary, NC

Recent Posts

The Modern World / Re: Invasion: Malta
« Last post by bob48 on July 22, 2024, 05:47:24 AM »
The Modern World / Re: Invasion: Malta
« Last post by JudgeDredd on July 22, 2024, 03:20:56 AM »
It is a crying shame because it's a very interesting subject and there's a lot to like and look forward to. If only they had made the rules more accessible to people without a photographic memory (or even people without a good memory).

Maybe it's just me. I tend to create problems were there perhaps aren't any. Ambiguity really throws me though. There's not a lot of ambiguity in there, mind. The manual is not bad at all. But - I don't know if I've mentioned this - the missing index, for me, is just a nightmare.

I'm going to edit mickleson's "expanded Table of Contents" on BGG so it's in alphabetical order and hopefully that will help.
The Modern World / Re: Invasion: Malta
« Last post by JudgeDredd on July 21, 2024, 04:12:58 PM »
Nah...thanks but that came with the game.

My main issue is the lack of index. I just don't see how I can reference rules, and I will most definitely have to, in order to pay. It's not a 20 page rule book. It's 40 pages. Just not feasible to go looking for a specific rule.

Someone did do an expanded table of contents. But I didn't see Disruption I think I'll do a new one  in alphabetical order...see if that helps
The Modern World / Re: Invasion: Malta
« Last post by bayonetbrant on July 21, 2024, 03:09:37 PM »
there is an errata doc linked to the CSW forum, if that helps at all

The Modern World / Re: Invasion: Malta
« Last post by JudgeDredd on July 21, 2024, 03:06:33 PM »
No - it seems quiet.

It is a shame. I'm going to leave it in place until I get back from holiday and try again though. I'm up in the Lake Distrcit and the Isle of Skye - so I'll have plenty of time to read.  ;D
The Modern World / Re: Invasion: Malta
« Last post by bob48 on July 21, 2024, 02:38:24 PM »
What a shame - it looks so interesting. I can't see much help in the BGG forums either.
The Modern World / Re: Invasion: Malta
« Last post by JudgeDredd on July 21, 2024, 02:34:54 PM »
Well - turns out there's no hope. Or none that I can see right now.

I performed the first part of the first step of the Leros campaign and found it very confusing ans stressful.

I've read the rules in their entirety. I've also re-read (twice) the rules on the invasion (16 - Naval Operations) along with the special scenario rules for Leros for quite some time before I decided to play it out and see how it worked, because it wasn't becoming obvious to me how it comes about even given how many times I'd read the Naval Operations process.

After completing that one step, I just was not at all convinced I'd got it right. The whole 16 Naval Operations section (16.1 Naval Transport Phase, 16.2 Convoys and 16.3 Amphibious Invasion) was confusing in places and misleading in others.

It mentions moving convoy units to the Delayed Box in the invasion zone if they are delayed on the table - but there are no Delayed Boxes on Leros. So I'm left wondering what I should do.

The Amphibious Invasion phase mentions Bombardment and saying Coastal and Light AA units can bombard...but 10.27 says Ant-aircraft can't bombard and then says only Light AA units can "attack in combat" - is "attack in combat" the same as bombardment, as specified in 16.33c? Don't know (though I suspect so - but gamers hate ambiguity (or at least I do)).

Finally there's the problem of no index. It's woeful to try and play this game without an index. You are constantly looking up rules and without an index, it means a computer being on nearby to help search.

In my invasion, two stacks of German units in two different landing hexes were marked as Disrupted. I couldn't remember the specifics of the effects of disruption. Try finding it without an index or a computer. I did load the manual up on my PC to find it - it's under 3.0 Basic Concepts. There are 53 references for DISRUPTED and 16 for DISRUPTION.

I'm currently debating whether to keep going and muddle through, junk until a later date (maybe they'll produce an online manual with an index so I can print it off) or just bite the bullet and sell it.

I think I'll leave it there for the rest of this week and see if I can't get through it - I'm on holiday from Friday for 10 days - maybe the time away will help. I'll take the manual and re-read it.

However - even if I re-read the manual and certain bits became clear, I'm still going to struggle witout an index. Rules need to be referenced by memory simply won't hold rules in my head, specifically nuances. I need an index.

So lesson learned. I will never buy a game with a manual that doesn't have an index.
Conventions, Clubs, and Events / Re: London, Ontario, Canada July 20th
« Last post by bayonetbrant on July 20, 2024, 10:40:44 PM »
Sounds like it was a great idea with a bit of poor execution.  I hope there was a good time had by those who did show up for the games.
Conventions, Clubs, and Events / Re: London, Ontario, Canada July 20th
« Last post by Hazdrubal on July 20, 2024, 08:42:40 PM »

Greeting Dragoons,

   Roll4con was The Game Chamber's inaugural gaming convention, well they were calling it a convention. I was calling it a gamesday, there were not convention-like sides, it was just miniature based games.

   We were asked to make our games for 4 players, which I thought was not a unresonable request. We were asked to commit to run 2 games 10AM and 2 PM (they could be different games). We got "Paid" for the games we ran, in store credit $10 per game and $10 per player.

   Day started of on a sour note. I went by the venue the night before to set up my game. Arrived in the morning to find someone needed room to unpack their stuff, so had shoved alot of my terriain aside to make room, so he could unload I guess, and left it for me to fix.  :o >:(

   Aside from my game (Wiley Games: Fistful of Lead: Reloaded) all the other offerings were big game company games.

  Most of the games had 2 players at most, several in the 10AM session, had none. Most of the 2 PM games had no players, I think only 2 or 3 games had players. There were supposed to be 32 games (16 per session, that's how many 6' x 4' tables they have), some of the GMs learned early they would have no players and either cancelled their games of just didnt show up. Even with the low turn out it was very noisy, shouting being necessary to communicate with my players. Hopefully if they do it again, they ask for Feedback (and address any comments) from the Players and GMs

   The low turn out was IMHO due to several things,
    * Lack of adverstising. The store did very little, they had a stack of business cards near the exit. The GMs were sent a DM, A Day Before, asking us to make at least one Posting about the event somewhere.
    * The registration process. The process was go to the Store's website, find a game you liked the look of, buy a ticket and show up day of and hope there were   other people playing (in case of just one player, I guess the GM was supposed to be their opponent.)

   I was so busy running my 10 AM game, I didn't have time to get pictures of it (start to finish less than 90 minutes)

   Here is what happened The "Lawmen" walked down Mainstreet to confront the Dixon gang, which were sleeping off the weeks' frivolity, at the All Right corall. The Dixon gang must be seasoned drinkers as none of them failed their hangover rolls. The opening shots quickly saw 2 of the lawmen downed, then another one and another one. Rusty was the only Lawman still in the fight, mainly because almost every time he shot he would run out of ammumnition (he ran out 4 times, 3 with his rifle and once for his pistol), he did manage to put one of the Dixon gang down before being swarmed by the rest of the gang, He got knocked down, then then Dick with the shotgun moved in close and open fire and opened Rusty up. The Lawmen player had terrible dice the entire game when he need to roll High he3 failed to so and when he needed to roll low he failed to so as well.

   My 2PM game had no sign ups, so I stuck around til 2:30 Packed up and departed.

Here are some of the other games being offered. Hopefully the pictures post.

The Venue:

Silver Bayonet:


Fistful of Lead: Reloaded:

Star Wars X-wing:


Middle Earth Strategy Battle game or Lord of the Rings:

Battletech, Alpha Strike:

Fallout, Wasteland Warriors:

Bolt Action:

Marvel Crisis Protocol:

Star Wars, Shatterpoint:

Saturday Night Fights ~ The Battle of Gross Gorschen for "Bloody Big Battles"
Have our guys figured out the rules?  Are the battles bigger and bloodier now that they're sorted?  Or does the better understanding result in less bloody battles?  You'll have to watch and see!