Armchair Dragoons Forums


  • The ACDC returns in 2025!  17-19 January 2025 we'll gather online for a variety of games and chats all weekend long
  • SAVE THE DATE!  The Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly will be held 11-13 October 2024 in Raleigh/Cary, NC


SAVE THE DATE!  The Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly will be held 11-13 October 2024 in Raleigh/Cary, NC

Recent Posts

Saturday Night Fights & Tabletop Simulator / Bloody Big Battles on TTS / SNF
« Last post by bayonetbrant on July 20, 2024, 08:00:56 PM »
Thread of the different games using the BBB system


Intel Dump / Re: Consolidated Games-on-Sale Thread
« Last post by BanzaiCat on July 19, 2024, 08:26:28 PM »
I've played the computer version of it, found it incredibly challenging, so here's hoping.
Intel Dump / Re: Consolidated Games-on-Sale Thread
« Last post by bbmike on July 19, 2024, 08:04:04 PM »
I bought that from Miniature Market a while back for about the same price. It’s still in the shrink. It’s supposed to be a good game.  :P
Intel Dump / Re: Sticky for Kickstarter
« Last post by BanzaiCat on July 19, 2024, 07:37:34 PM »
Excited to hear today that Purple Haze is starting to ship...but it'll still be a few months. It ships from China to Poland, lol. Then it gets shipped worldwide from there, apparently. I went all in on it so it'll be pretty great to see it, finally.

Also I believe my Escape From New York (all in, natch) is on a boat that's either offloading now, or will in the next week or so. It's in Mobile, AL now and I'm not clear if it offloaded in Houston or is still destined to do that somewhere else. Regardless, that's another one I'm excited about.

I've received all the other pledges except for 911 Operator, which has been delayed significantly, and The Dark Quarter, which they're not updating on Gamefound but are on Kickstarter, which doesn't make sense, but then again I've not backed many myself. At least it's moving forward and isn't vapor at this point.
Intel Dump / Re: Consolidated Games-on-Sale Thread
« Last post by BanzaiCat on July 19, 2024, 07:27:40 PM »
Bought and forgot about Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition:ROFL:

At least, until it arrived.

It was a Prime Day deal. Normal price was $69.99, but it was on sale for $16.49 or so. No-brainer, really.

Well, no brain here for buying yet another game but, I'd been wanting this one for a while, and it's soloable, so.
Sci-fi & Fantasy Warfare / Re: Royal Mail
« Last post by Arctic Blast on July 19, 2024, 04:53:21 PM »
Man, a lot of those look great. Love the Mimic one.
Intel Dump / Re: Wargame Design Studio News Thread + Latest Sale Titles
« Last post by rahamy on July 19, 2024, 06:43:46 AM »
Once again we bring you a post from a guest author. This time we switch to the Modern Campaigns series where the article is a pre-view of new content that is coming in the near future. Certain Strike '87 should be an enjoyable read for all those interested in this time period, and what (easily) might have been.
The Modern World / Re: Invasion: Malta
« Last post by JudgeDredd on July 18, 2024, 03:25:45 AM »
Just another update on the documentation.

Having finished the rules, I can say they were well written but they are most definitely not designed to be used for reference because there's literally nothing to assist you in finding what you want when you want it. The Table of Contents is basic and there is no Index as mentioned previously. I do not understand how you are meant to flip to the manual to find a rule.

A clear example of this is 15.0 Airborne Operations. I read this bit last night again (so it's fresh in my head) in preparation for my Leros scenario. In 15.3 Paradrop Unit Placement and specifically 15.34 it mentions paradrop units come under AA fire but there is absolutely NO reference to where the AA rules are in the manual. Unsurprisingly, the Table of Contents has NO mention of the AA procedure either.

Turns out the AA procedure is actually hidden under 11.0 Air Units and more specifically 11.3.

Contrarily, there are mentions, sporadically, of other related rules in other sections. Again, looking at 15.3 Paradrop Unit Placement and specifically 15.31 it mentions paradrop units having Drift and references the rule 15.4...which (if I wanted to be picky) wasn't required because it's on the same page. But - better presented than not.

I held off writing this this morning until I checked the Sequence of Play Player Aid Card, in case the rules references are specifically mentioned in the player aid - and they're not and again, more infuriatingly, some rules are referenced and others are omitted.

All sounds negative. That's because the rules, specifically from a references perspective, are poor. The actual manual itself, in terms of explaining stuff, is great. It's easy to understand and well written and organised. But as a reference, it's going to be a challenge.

But I've got a game to play.

Legion Games - you absolutely need to up your game where manuals are concerned and a sequence of play should try and reference rules to assist the players. Rules should be able to be referenced easily and that could easily be sorted with an index.

Having said all that - I remember a wee game called Fields of Fire that had a gawd awful manual and made a fairly easy game seem like the most complicated thing you've ever come across - and I've heard have put alot of people off buying the game. The rules may as well have been written in binary code. But that turned out to be my first choice Desert Island Game

So - there's hope.
The Modern World / Re: Invasion: Malta
« Last post by JudgeDredd on July 17, 2024, 11:32:59 AM »
I honestly can't see a way to segregate them...the main issue is there's no identifiers on counters.
The Modern World / Re: Invasion: Malta
« Last post by bob48 on July 17, 2024, 10:12:28 AM »
Hope that doesn't spoil it for you. Are there many allied unit counters used by both games, or can they be segregated?

Anyroadup - I'm looking forwards to your thoughts on the game. Still no news on the Gallipoli game as yet. I could do with something to cheer me up as I have contrived to break the little toe on my right foot. :-((