We interrupt your Science Fiction wargaming of Battles Yet to Happen
TM, to share with you all some pictures of Battles From the Past
TM. I thought about posting an AAR from a game of Blücher (2015) I participated in a couple months ago; however, this battle wasn't that exciting. It was great to get together with friends, push lead around the table and have a good time in person. We hadn't played Napoleonics face to face for two years, so for me, that was the best part of the day, sharing good times with friends.
The scenario didn't turn out to be that great of a battle. We decided to have late war French force battle the Austrians. We used Scharnhorst to determine the battle field and where the forces would start. It played out that the Austrians were on the defense and the French would need to break the Austrians in order to win. The terrain favored the Austrians and they formed a defensive line behind a bend in a river, which the French didn't attack quickly enough, so by the end of the game, the Austrians were victorious. Here are some highlights from the game.
This is after our set up. The stands/trays we place our figures on are upside down to help keep a semblance of uncertainty when we start. The white stands are the French and the green are the Austrians. This gives you an idea of the starting positions.
Upon seeing this I'm sure you're thinking, "Where are the rest of the Austrians?" There were two forces of Austrians off the table that would arrive as reinforcements. Neither force played any role in the game!
Here are some French Dragoons Advancing.Here we have the French Old Guard and Guard Cavalry advancing toward the Austrians.Austrian cavalry charging French horse artillery.Here's birds eye view of the Austrians cowering, er, I mean, valiantly defending from behind the rivers.Here we see a brigade of veteran French infantry storming across a bridge, which is defended by Austrian Grenadiers.Here is a birds eye view of the game as the final turn transpired.As I wrote, an excellent time with friends and not the most exciting of battles. We now return you to your regularly scheduled Battles Yet to Happen