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The ACDC returns in 2025!  17-19 January 2025 we'll gather online for a variety of games and chats all weekend long

Author Topic: Post your screenshots! Share your game stories!  (Read 61926 times)

Sir Slash

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Reply #330 on: March 01, 2023, 10:50:06 AM
OH Boy! There goes the rest of my week.  :groovy:

Any Day is a Good Day That Doesn't Involve Too Much Work or Too Little Gaming


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Reply #331 on: March 04, 2023, 08:06:56 AM
Every now and again crusader kings makes you put down your whisky and save the game so you can look at the screen and go 'wtf? i need a bit of time here to work things out'

So, heres our boy Oberto, son of Arduino - he of the famous AAR from ye ages past

In maybe half a year hes been imprisoned for trying to kill his half brother, escaped, marched off to war with his step mother (matilda of Tuscany) who promptly died in battle, this fractured all the Tuscan lands between his half brothers, all sons of Arduino, leaving the Duchy of Tuscany to the half brother he tried to kill - because the half brother is chaste, hes 21 with no wife or children - his heir? Oberto - he must be stabbed but i have to wait another 2 years before i can try again to kill him

This is him

I have to keep a close watch on him and prepare to stab any wife he makes and any of their children, OR can try and marry him to one of my family who is too old to conceive - then just wait for him to die

In the meantime i decided it would be fun to succumb to this girls hotness - the princess from England with all the claims on the English throne, who became my soulmate. However, i forgot she was my spymasters wife who revealed the affair to everyone including my wife - before she died Matilda had her imprisoned on my wifes behalf. For that i killed my spy

For that my wife killed Christina

For that i killed my wife

And the duchy of Spoletta passed to another of Arduinos sons and another half brother - but my dread is so mighty and scary he abstained and passed the title to Oberto who has now rocketed from the count of Parma trying to figure out how to increase his lands to the Duke of Spoletto with the King of England as an ally and the Duke of Apulia

If i can kill the half brother this second go round i can take power of half of north of Italy, have 2 duchys and start looking at the Duke of Lombardy - the true asshole of the tale

and then it was time to drink and rest - the scheming is real

another WTF break required

after a couple of hours ive realised at the moment its too hard to kill my half brother the duke of tuscany, he then gets married and his wife is also too hard to kill, and then horror of horrors hehas a child, a son who i have the best chance of killing - so it might be the best option to let my half brother die and then kill the son leaving me the heir again

i turn my eyes to the duchy of lombardy - i have a claim here too after they declared war on the HRE, however i cant proceed with the claim because whilst i was a vassal of Tuscany i could declare my own wars, as a Duke in my own right now and a vassal of the HRE i cannot declare my own wars - theres too choices - change my contract with the HRE or get a hook on the Emperor

I discover ive already changed my contract, which i did, and it is a once in a lifetime opportunity, i need Oberto to die before i can change the contract again. We try and get a hook on the emperor by spying in his court - all kinds of dirty secrets are exposed but no related to the big boy himself - its looking bleak until Oberto drops dead at 71 - nothing to do with me and Falco his son takes over - hes rightly installed as the Duke of Spoletto, agrees a new contract with the HRE about declaring his own wars and marches off against Lombardia - recent strategic marriages to Croatia and Sardinia bring in much needed allies and mercenaries and we take the Duchy with ease - hail Falco, Duke of Lombardia and Spoletto

I need 7 more counties to create the Kingdom of Italy and get me a big ass crown

Time for some rum sipping and vassal sorting


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Reply #332 on: March 18, 2023, 12:47:49 PM
as is ever the case with CK, i think ill give it a little go just to sort things out and then look out of the window and see its dark!!

I guide Falco into a career of intrigue - we need to get those murder scores up on the duke of tuscany and his son so we can steal that title long wished by the di Parmas

Over the next few years we take the Republic of Pisa, the County of Padua and other titles that move us closer to the big Kingdom badge. The bad news is Falco now has 5 sons - the duchies and counties will shatter when he dies and therell be claims all over the place - i try and bestow as much property to my son and heir, a useless tit with no outstanding qualities despite a career in stewardship. We'll see how that goes, i cant convince any of the others to take the cloth and its too damaging to imprison or kill them - sigh

Again while all this is going on my wife suddenly becomes this evil spymaster scheme making poisoner bad ass adding her intrigue to mine and my intrigue goes up as i study the backstabby dark arts and all of a sudden the murder score to kill the duke of tuscany goes from 12 - 80 percent chance, i start the scheme and 3 more stabbers jump on board - the chance is now 95 but the stress of it all has sent Falco bonkers.......

more soon to avoid wall of text


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Reply #333 on: March 19, 2023, 07:28:02 AM
While briefly gaining control of his mental issues Falco then kills the son of the Duke leaving him the sole heir of Tuscany - he gains it and 10 counties, throwing him way over his ownership limit, this plus the stress of killing his half nephew begins to tip him towards madness - with enough counties within the DeJure territories Falco can claim the Kingdom of Italy - its a great day for the Di Parmas, and as the crown is placed on Falcos head his tiny mind folds in on itself and he dies at 47 - the kingdom is passed to his son but theres counties and duchies all over the place looking to rebel

Heres Falco after he shuffled off his mortal coil

and now his son King Giovanni of Italy

and his kingdom

Within a month his 4 brothers start a faction against him claiming their right to the throne - its going to get messy


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Reply #334 on: March 20, 2023, 10:33:39 AM
The first war of succession ends in a white peace - all it gives is Tuscany, Piedmont, Verona and Emilia and the King time to lick their wounds before going again

There are a few months of peace to gain allies and improve provinces before the 4 come again - this time we have already started a murder plot against Prince Guiseppe in Pisa and manage to take him out of the equation and remove a quarter of the forces against us - the plot is successful, however the cover up is not - im marked as a kinslayer and murderer, shunned by the HRE but the dread scores are brilliant - apart from the 3 arsehole brothers - everyones terrified of me, the plot collapses again in white peace but theyll come again - i realise my youngest brother who raised nary a boo to a goose during the war was mysteriously drowned and i gain his counties

The Kingdom of Italy brings in quite the coin, i started off with .4 gold a day, im now at 22.8, it gives us room to expand the armys proper soldiery and we hire more archers, spearmen and men at arms. We have a side tussle with the Doge of Venice and take the City of Venice but not the grand capital. The HRE grants us a duchy in Germany and four vassals that fall into our Kingdom that were under his

The three brothers come again, but this time they split their forces, i can raise 3500, they can raise 2000 each, as long as they stay apart i can do this - first the dick at Tuscany goes down, hes beaten into submission after 7 hard battles, and put into prison, Verona is next, hes killed in battle - i realise that if the actual Duke is leading the enemy force then go for that one, if i win theres a very good chance of killing or capturing them. And Piedmonte is also taken prisoner - this time im the victor and things are different. I banish Piedmonte and Verona from the realm, i would actually kill them but Guiseppe is kind, trusting, shy and compassionate, this is doing his mental health no good - and Tuscany i make an ally - keep your enemies closer blah blah

Peace descends across the kingdom enough to make some real improvements and decide where to go next, before the son of verona decides hes ready for it again - his proposal is to place tuscany on the throne who cant join him because hes my ally, hes raised piedmonte and pisa again but there armies a half mine now - i will fight them, i will take them and i will kill them - damn the mental health consequences


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Reply #335 on: March 20, 2023, 11:35:55 AM
Proudest gaming moment so far - building a coal mining complex in geekrova

Sir Slash

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Reply #336 on: March 20, 2023, 12:25:53 PM
Hurray for geekrova! Now the bad kids at Christmas will get their just rewards.  >:(

Any Day is a Good Day That Doesn't Involve Too Much Work or Too Little Gaming


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Reply #337 on: March 21, 2023, 09:27:47 AM
My little mining village, this here was built to provide workers for the mine on the hills, 3 blocks of concrete, a kindergarten and a school - otherwise the women with children wont go to work  and a little grocery store - everythings working re pathing and roads, im just waiting for the electricity to come on - in the distance high voltage power lines take 50% of our power and sell it back to the motherland

i could watch the little fellas all day - now i have to literally go thru the population and pick out the educated for teachers and foremen


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Reply #338 on: March 27, 2023, 02:17:47 PM
Nice shots, 'geek!  Looks pretty fun. 

"I like big maps and I cannot lie." - Barthheart

"I drastically overpaid for this existence." - bbmike


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Reply #339 on: March 28, 2023, 07:43:13 AM
What architectural building styles can you build? Can you do classic 18th and 19th century Central European stuff to get a Warsaw Pact vibe?

Vituð ér enn - eða hvat?  -Voluspa


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Reply #340 on: March 28, 2023, 08:23:04 AM
I’ll have a look - my gaming ocd so far has attempted to recreate the scenes of my childhood which are big grey apartment blocks - seen now in Ukraine news stories


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Reply #341 on: April 03, 2023, 10:15:28 AM
Our tiny state from above, split into domestic, mining, industrial and agricultural

Agriculture here, crop fields still growing from starting the game, in the mean time importing crops to sustain the livestock farm and the slaughterhouse

Homes sweet homes - the workers live here and catch the bus to the mines or the coal refinery and powerplant or go to the train station and catch a train to the agriculture zone

and heres the tiny industry zone - a distillery turning crops into alcohol and a food factory turning crops into bread - these two are then trucked into town to the pubs and supermarket and whats left is taken by the train here  up to the mining zone where it collects unused coal and then onto the border exchange where we sell alcohol, meat, food and coal whilst also exporting excess electrcity

the new link via the coal plant to the border to sell our stuff

Sir Slash

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Reply #342 on: April 03, 2023, 12:12:31 PM
WOW! Geek-topia is growing isn't it? Looks like a Happy Place to live.  :applause:  Any problems on the horizon?

Any Day is a Good Day That Doesn't Involve Too Much Work or Too Little Gaming


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Reply #343 on: April 03, 2023, 12:46:57 PM
At the minute all is well - it’s paying for itself, citizens are happy - religion is going to rear it’s ugly head soon, health and education

The industry choices are fantastic - if I want to get into clothing I need a chemical plant, for that I need certain resources and buildings for those I need a research facility for that I need a university - there’s a long way to go

Sir Slash

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Reply #344 on: April 03, 2023, 10:56:20 PM
Wow! That sounds deep! I would probably never get to sleep at night thinking it through.

Any Day is a Good Day That Doesn't Involve Too Much Work or Too Little Gaming