The ACW project is back on track. There are almost sufficient blue coats painted to start playing small battles.
Three infantry regiments are nearly complete. The third regiment just needs its command base which is on the paint table cue. The stands all still need a matt varnish and basing.
I have the last command base and one more regiment ready to paint. These strips are a bit of a pain to get good coverage. These guys are tiny with a ton of details which causes a bunch of little nooks and crannies . My OCD while painting makes any white specks really stand out. A lot of people are probably going the contrast or quick paint route but you really have to have brush control to make it work. The contrast paint benefit is it just flows into the little spaces and deals with the specks. I do not have the brush control. Also, the original priming job was pretty half-assed. Anyway, I would initially like to be able to field four to five regiments and an artillery battery.
For the first batch, I primed on the sprue. A mistake I will not make again. Now I am hand brushing the worst offending areas. Anyway, the switch away from the generally horrible Army Painter line to my beloved Vallejo line is working very well. I basically have said &$@! trying to avoid covering details with the base blue coverage on the coats. For the most part, it has not been a problem that a couple of thin coats on the details cover the blue and reach a tabletop good enough standard.
I have put together a couple of artillery and command stands for the cue. They will definitely need some hand-brushed primer before painting. I thought about putting the leaders on round bases but I just decided to use what Warlord provided for the brigade commanders. I have some metal miniatures of generals like Lee, Jackson, and Meade. I will base them as Army commanders on round bases. There are some special rules in the Glory Hallelujah supplement which apply to named commanders. Also, I have way more commanders than I will need so sacrificing a couple to use on square bases for the sake of playing is no big deal. The artillery is a surprising hassle. The pegs do not quite fit nicely in the pre-drilled holes on the bases. I had to hand drill out one and put in a peg after I broke off the molded plastic one trying to get it to fit the stand. That particular cannon is a bit awkward looking on the base but today I do not care. Craft late at night and stuff will happen.
I will start on a similar-sized Rebel force next. I grow tired of the color blue.