Armchair Dragoons Forums

Game With The Dragoons => Saturday Night Fights & Tabletop Simulator => Topic started by: Cyrano on October 28, 2019, 01:29:02 PM

Title: A Fantasy Game -- "A Fistful of Miniatures"
Post by: Cyrano on October 28, 2019, 01:29:02 PM
I know, I know, it's not my usual thing.

But this is a debt I owe my younger self.

A LONG time a go, a good fellow named Jayson Gralewicz created a very simple set of fantasy rules called "A Fistful of Miniatures". It was the ruleset -- long before I ever set eyes on "Hordes of the Things" -- that I thought most likely to be able to carry off the Battle of the Pellennor Fields and the Battle of the Five Armies.

The one thing was that it required a LOT of figures.  It's profoundly old school and the higher level of abstraction we now see in games just isn't there.  Other than Napoleonics, I believe I've more figures for this set than any other.  Jayson, who has since passed, went so far as to start his own minis company producing fantasy figures expressly for the categories of his rules.  When the company folded, I bought all the back stock thinking one day, one day...

And I never got a chance to play the scenario that I was really building towards:  "10,000 Orcs and an Ice Cream Truck".  Well, I've built it and I want to play it with friends.

So, while we're a pretty historical bunch hereabouts, who'd be up?  It need not be an SNF event, but I'd like a bunch of us.  It's got something like eight commands, but plays really, really quickly.

Submitted for your consideration.
Title: Re: A Fantasy Game -- "A Fistful of Miniatures"
Post by: bob48 on October 28, 2019, 02:23:12 PM
Sounds interesting.
Title: Re: A Fantasy Game -- "A Fistful of Miniatures"
Post by: panzerde on October 28, 2019, 05:05:08 PM
Sure, let's give it a spin!
Title: Re: A Fantasy Game -- "A Fistful of Miniatures"
Post by: BanzaiCat on October 29, 2019, 12:06:31 PM