I think I'm going to shelve this for a bit.
1. To do a game with 1000 star systems, it's recommended you have 8 CPU cores and 12GB RAM. For 1000 it's 10 CPU cores and 16GB RAM and a 2000 star system game it's 12 cores and 24GB RAM! My desktop is only 6 cores, so anything over 700 systems, I'll need to use my laptop.
2. In my current game I'm about 130 years in. My Galaxy Aggression is set to Chaos and Difficulty is set to Very Hard. I've had one other empire, out of 12, declare war on me. One.
3. I don't see an option to close my boarders to other empires. I colonized a planet in a system that had a mining base in it, but the system wasn't inside the empires boarders. I couldn't demand the base and any ships leave.
4. In the last few sessions, I hit the pause button, and I still see my income, money and population changing for a good 15 seconds afterwards. Even seeing pop ups coming and disappearing while the game is paused.
5. It seems like the devs are forcing you the player to play a xenophile empire. If you try and play xenophobe, you own population penalizes you. Even when the other empire has a race that you naturally hate and they hate you in return.