Armchair Dragoons Forums


  • The ACDC returns in 2025!  17-19 January 2025 we'll gather online for a variety of games and chats all weekend long
  • The 2024 Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly will be held 11-13 October 2024 at The Gamer's Armory in Cary, NC (outside of Raleigh)


The 2024 Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly will be held 11-13 October 2024 at The Gamer's Armory in Cary, NC (outside of Raleigh)

Recent Posts

4X Gaming / Re: Emperor of the Fading Suns now available on GOG!
« Last post by Martok on Today at 12:27:43 AM »
Emperor of the Fading Suns will now be coming to Steam as well:

There is also now a demo available.   :) 

4X Gaming / Re: Star Trek: Infinite
« Last post by Martok on Today at 12:08:57 AM »
Sigh.  What a disappointment this one turned out to be.  :( 

What really gets me is, it wasn't a bad game overall.  The basic gameplay was solid, and I appreciated how the devs made an effort to differentiate it from Stellaris by including things like "hero ships" and mission trees for each of the playable empires -- they were all good ideas. 

Unfortunately, it also suffered from numerous bugs and balance problems, not to mention a few underlying issues.  Having only 4 playable factions on a single fixed map (widely assumed to be due to restrictions by Paramount, though this was never officially confirmed) definitely hurt replayability as well -- why should Star Trek fans bother playing Infinite, when they could simply load up the New Horizons or New Civilizations mods for Stellaris (both of which have multiple maps and over 100 playable factions)? 

Paradox deciding to pull the plug all too soon after release ( >:( ) before any of these issues could be addressed, and then most/all of the dev team being let go when the Embracer group (somewhat infamously) laid off a bunch of game developers late 2023/early 2024, were simply the final nails in the coffin. 

A project like Star Trek: Infinite *could* have worked -- and still could -- but this game was probably doomed from the start.  And goodness knows now when, if ever, we'll see another Star Trek 4x/grand-strategy again.  :-\ 

The Modern World / Re: Frank Chadwick's ETO
« Last post by bayonetbrant on Yesterday at 10:38:08 PM »
or go buy the giant footlocker from Grognard Sims ;D
The Modern World / Re: Frank Chadwick's ETO
« Last post by Barthheart on Yesterday at 10:16:46 PM »
4X Gaming / Re: Galactic Ruler
« Last post by Martok on Yesterday at 10:09:37 PM »
So earlier this year, Battlegoat released a new version of the game:

Apparently I grabbed it at some point, though I don't remember doing so.  :crazy2:  While I've only played around with it a little so far, I get the sense the game might be both deeper and more complex than it first appears to be.  I admit to being intrigued. 

Unfortunately, the game is also held back by being less than intuitive to play, including a UI/UX that isn't always the most helpful.  I suspect those familiar with the developer's Supreme Ruler series would have less difficulty, but newcomers would almost certainly struggle. 

It's frustrating:  I can definitely see (at least some of) the game's potential, but the steep learning curve is definitely going to keep a lot of folks from wanting to try it.  Perhaps Battlegoat is fine with that -- I can understand not wanting to "dumb down" their games -- but I feel like there's probably a middle ground somewhere, where better controls and/or UI could make GR notably easier to get into. 

The Modern World / Frank Chadwick's ETO
« Last post by besilarius on Yesterday at 09:29:23 PM »
Imagine, if you will, a vast board wargame project. One of the industry’s finest, most experienced design and development teams is working with the premier wargame publisher to bring to your game table all of World War II in Europe at Corps level, 30 miles per map hex, with weekly game turns. The original components for its multi-volume publication, however, will be consolidated. That is, instead of multiple volumes released to form the complete series, there will be one “treasure chest” box game published containing everything. In a single boxed game release, players will have it all, presenting aggregate savings in release time, overlap/component duplication costs, and, most importantly, shipping costs. Fiction becoming fact as we enter the GMT Zone.”

Intel Dump / Re: Undercovers wishlist and updates
« Last post by Gusington on Yesterday at 08:06:21 PM »
Thanks Geek and BH. I'll let my copy simmer a few more months before going in.
4X Gaming / Kingdom, Dungeon, and Hero
« Last post by Martok on Yesterday at 07:44:19 PM »
(This is the same guy behind Warplan: Pacific, by the way.  So he has a pretty solid rep already.) 

This one is high up on my wishlist.  It's essentially a low-fantasy, grand-strategy wargame of moderate complexity.  It's been compared to Shadow Empire, albeit much less daunting (and of course it's a fantasy, not sci-fi, setting).  Curious if anyone else has checked it out (there is a demo available).

Pretty much the only reason I haven't already picked it up yet is I'm waiting until I'm working again first.  In addition, the developer is currently working on adding a random map generator (he's calling it the "Warlords" scenario), which should greatly increase the game's replayability. 

For sure.  8) 

Even without having done a deep-dive into the new material yet, I gotta give kudos to whoever was doing the research, writing, and even artwork -- both on the Moria expansion and the original/main sourcebook(s).  They've done an excellent job of atmosphere & immersion, and (at least with the original sourcebook) made players feel like they're really in the world. 

4X Gaming / Re: Stellaris - the board game! - coming soon from Academy Games
« Last post by Martok on Yesterday at 05:44:37 PM »
Appropriate, though I doubt that's sarcastic enough at this point.  ::)