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Author Topic: Stellaris  (Read 124991 times)


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Reply #615 on: April 25, 2023, 04:11:31 PM
I think the emphasis on leadership will be a great addition, at least after a patch or two (in keeping with Paradox tradition). Great Sci-Fi is character-driven. I mean, where would Star Wars be without Darth Vader or that other guy....Duke Drycleaners or whatever his name is. Star Trek without Kirk is...well, it's Next Generation, but bad example perhaps.

Anyway...looking forward to it! Can't wait to launch Ronald Raygun on an unsuspecting galaxy!!!

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Reply #616 on: April 25, 2023, 06:51:50 PM
Yep, called it!  Looks like we're finally getting that leader-focused expansion a lot of folks have been requesting for years now.  Giggity!   

Stellaris Dev Diary #296 - Announcing Galactic Paragons

Sounds like they're giving back the control of sector borders to the player.  I'm happy to hear that.  I never understood why they took the feature away in the first place.

Yeah, same.  I remember it upset a lot of folks at the time. 

But then, that was one of the changes made to the game when Martin Anward ("Wiz") was still game director, which by itself explains a lot.

I wonder how this will work with genicidal machine empires  >:D

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Reply #617 on: May 02, 2023, 04:49:46 AM
Dev Diary #297 - Leaders, The Council, and Agendas

So leaders are being completely reworked for the 3.8 update next month.  Lots of interesting stuff!  Some highlights...

We'll have fewer Leaders, but they'll be more powerful.

Your Empire Council -- yes, you'll have an Empire Council now -- starts out with 3 positions: Ruler, Head of Research, and Minister of Defense.  The leaders in those positions will all provide empire-wide bonuses.  Your Councilors (excepting your Ruler, I believe) can also continue serving in the field; so your Minister of Defense can still be an admiral commanding a fleet, for instance. 

You can now customize your own Ruler when creating custom empires:  Most notably, you can choose your Ruler's Leader Class (Governor, Scientist, Admiral, General), plus their starting trait(s).  So no more having to restart a new game just because your Ruler has a bad/undesirable trait. 

Governors now apply their personal traits only to their sector capital, though their skill level continues to be applied to all planets in their sector.  So picking your sector capitals will likely be a more important part of the game now.  Similarly, this will make the new/returning ability to edit sector borders all the more important as well. 

And my personal favorite:  If you have the Imperial government type, you can finally appoint your Heir to a position on the Council!  This means that not only do they get to apply their traits and skill level to the benefit of your empire, but you can also better "groom" them for the day when they ascend to the throne.  This makes me unreasonably happy!  I can't wait to put my kid to work.  :biggrin: 

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Reply #618 on: May 03, 2023, 02:50:46 PM
Dev Diary #298 - Renowned and Legendary Paragons

The highlights: 

1.)  There are 16 Renowned leaders -- 2 for each ethic (not including Gestalt) -- and they will approach empires with their respective ethics over the course of the game. 

2.)  There are 4 Legendary leaders (even more powerful than the Renowned ones), which you can only find them by essentially running into them. 

3.)  Both Renowned and Legendary leaders have especially powerful traits, plus their own unique events and event-chains.  Legendary leaders also have unique mechanics. 

4.)  Somewhat controversially, the AI will be unable to recruit Renowned and Legendary leaders. 

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Reply #619 on: May 03, 2023, 03:32:30 PM

4.)  Somewhat controversially, the AI will be unable to recruit Renowned and Legendary leaders.

That is an odd design choice. Maybe the AI n testing hives up all the leaders before the players could.
Hope they change that or at least make it optional.

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Reply #620 on: May 05, 2023, 03:39:55 AM
Maybe the AI n testing hives up all the leaders before the players could.

That's exactly what was happening, hence why the devs ended up blocking the AI from accessing them. 

I agree it's not an ideal solution.  However, I would like to be able to play with the new toys, and this appears to be the only real solution for now. 

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Reply #621 on: May 05, 2023, 04:15:11 AM
Dev Diary #299 - Civics, Origins, and Traditions

I am irritated that the new God-Emperor "Under One Rule" Origin is only available to the Dictatorship government type.  :nope: 

The new Traditions and Civics sound pretty cool, though.  Can't wait to appoint a Lord Commander for my empire!  :D 

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Reply #622 on: May 09, 2023, 01:59:11 PM
Today's the day!

Stellaris Dev Diary #300 - Happy Anniversary! 3.8 "Gemini" and Galactic Paragons Release Notes

I'm off tomorrow & Thursday.  I'm hoping that at least the UI mods I use will be updated by then, so that I can poke around and play with the new toys.  :biggrin: 

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Reply #623 on: May 12, 2023, 03:29:14 AM
3.8.2 Hotfix Patch has dropped:

Nothing fancy, mostly just addressing bug and stability issues, though they did manage to include a nice bit of extra UI work.  One bit in particular caught my eye: 
Event notifications can now be configured in message settings.

Having now had a chance to finally play the game a bit today, I've gotta say that the ability to configure your notifications is a godsend.  Being able to reduce the message spam just by itself is a major improvement.  However, the ability to also customize which messages trigger auto-pause, which don't, which can simply be dismissed entirely, etc., cannot be overstated in its importance. 

I thought the resurrected Sector Editor would be my favorite feature of the free 3.8 update, and perhaps it will still prove to be so in time (I haven't played long enough yet to find out).  At least at the moment, however, the new message options has become the unsung hero of the Gemini update. 

I also want to give a shout-out to the new Ruler Creator feature, which was added to the Custom Empire creator.  Being able to select not just your Ruler's "Leader class" (Admiral, General, Governor, or Scientist), but also their starting trait is a most welcome feature.  Not only does it sidestep the frustration one would often previously feel when your Ruler's (randomly assigned) starting trait was an undesirable one, but I find it also improves the game's role-playing aspects as well. 

As for the Galactic Paragons DLC itself, overall I'm having an absolute blast with it so far.  Leaders are much more interesting now, and the ability to pick & choose their skills/traits when they level up (do you add a new skill, or increase an existing one?) is simply marvelous.  Being able to guide & develop your Leaders in the direction you wish adds another degree of both customization and role-playing that I never knew I was missing until now. 

I haven't been able to play around much with the new Empire Council yet, but I'm liking what I see thus far.  (The Empire Council is actually a free feature included in the 3.8 update, but it's restricted to just 3 positions -- Ruler, Minister of Defense, and Head of Research -- unless you also own Galactic Paragons.)  Just the fact that we now *have* an Empire Council adds yet another RPG element to the game, but it also has practical (and beneficial) gameplay effects as well, as your Ruler and their Councillors all bestow empire-wide bonuses (based on their traits and skill level). 

In addition, your Council can select an Agenda (from multiple available options):  These Agendas grant a bonus to your empire when first launched, and then a much larger bonus once they're ready to be fully enacted.  You can only have one active Agenda at a time, however, so choose wisely! 

At the moment, my only real beef with Galactic Paragons is the Leader Cap -- specifically, that it exists.  At the very least, it seems too low -- you start with a cap of 6, with 4 of those Leader slots (Ruler, Admiral, Governor, & Scientist) already taken, leaving you with just 2 "extra" Leader slots available. 

Granted, it is a soft cap, so you can choose to go over it if you wish.  However, you'll pay fairly dearly for doing so-- not just monetarily, but also your Leaders suffer from a penalty to their rate of XP gain.  Yes, you can increase your Leader Cap over time, but that doesn't help much in the beginning. 

I presume the Leader Cap is for balance purposes, but it feels overly constricting.  Worse, it feels entirely artificial and immersion-breaking.  I get that with how valuable they are now, the devs wanted to restrict the player from just hiring new Leaders left & right, but I'm not sure this was the best way to go about it. 

Otherwise, however, I have few complaints so far.  Barring my running into major/showstopper bugs <knocks on wood>, Galactic Paragons, combined with the Gemini update, might very well be the most fun I've had playing Stellaris in a long time. 

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Reply #624 on: May 13, 2023, 04:56:04 PM
At the moment, my only real beef with Galactic Paragons is the Leader Cap -- specifically, that it exists.  At the very least, it seems too low -- you start with a cap of 6, with 4 of those Leader slots (Ruler, Admiral, Governor, & Scientist) already taken, leaving you with just 2 "extra" Leader slots available. 

The leader cap seems to be driving the negative reviews on Steam. 

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Reply #625 on: May 13, 2023, 06:39:25 PM
Deservedly so. The more I play Galactic Paragons, the more the leader cap pisses me off -- especially considering how much I'm enjoying the DLC otherwise.

It needs to die. The sooner, the better.

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Reply #626 on: May 13, 2023, 06:54:34 PM
This is from on of the positive reviews

The Paragon leaders and leaders in general provide huge buffs to your empire and fleets, the leader cap is a soft cap, you can go over it at any time, just like fleet cap, all it does is when you are over the cap your leaders get experience slower and their unity costs are higher.

The leader buffs far outweigh going over the cap in my opinion. I had early game Paragon admiral that who got an 80 addotional ; fleet cap for his fleet allowing me to deploy a 120 ship fleet instead of 3 x 40 size fleets. he also had huge fire rate and weapon damage buff. Also you get more attached to your leaders now, and it sets the game up nicely for internal politics DLC that will surely come.

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Reply #627 on: May 14, 2023, 03:44:15 AM
I hate to say it, but I'm officially giving Galactic Paragons a thumbs-down for now.  Unless & until the leader cap problem is addressed -- and it *is* a problem -- I cannot in good conscience recommend it at the moment. 

Granted, the DLC itself is good.  But I find that the leader cap, which was added to the base game in the 3.8 update last week, largely cancels out the benefits of getting the DLC. 

This Redditor articulates (far better than I can) the single biggest issue I have with the leader cap, at least from a mechanics/gameplay perspective: 

The leader rework is great. Scientists being the bottleneck for expansion is not.

With how strong leaders are, it makes sense to limit them to a small number that needs build commitment to increase.

However, the current implementation is doesn't allow for the goals of the system to be met.

Players aren't going to be making interesting leader decisions, because there's no room to make them. You must recruit scientists. Some of the most important goals every empire has early game are exploring, expanding, and finishing your precursor. Early game, you will need your open leader slots to be filled with scientists to ensure you don't fall behind on any of these goals. This applies to all empire types.

In addition, as I mentioned earlier, I have a genuine problem with the leader cap from an immersion perspective as well:  I have a hard time swallowing the idea that an entire planetary civilization -- to say nothing of an interstellar one -- can only support a small handful of leaders.  (Because "reasons", apparently?)  Perhaps that's fine for some people, but personally, that's asking a lot of my willing suspension of disbelief.  :nope: 

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Reply #628 on: May 14, 2023, 04:57:43 AM
Is it something as simple as been able to be modded out or is it reprogramming stuff?


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Reply #629 on: May 14, 2023, 08:41:55 AM
Is it something as simple as been able to be modded out or is it reprogramming stuff?

Looks like it's moddable.  A quick search of Steam Workshop revealed several.

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