Armchair Dragoons Forums


  • The ACDC returns in 2025!  17-19 January 2025 we'll gather online for a variety of games and chats all weekend long
  • SAVE THE DATE!  The Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly will be held 11-13 October 2024 in Raleigh/Cary, NC


The ACDC returns in 2025!  17-19 January 2025 we'll gather online for a variety of games and chats all weekend long

Recent Posts

Intel Dump / Re: Wargame Design Studio News Thread + Latest Sale Titles
« Last post by rahamy on Yesterday at 08:31:18 AM »
Friday post is up with a preview of the new map graphics coming for the First World War Campaigns series in the 4.05 update. Check them out, and catch up on any posts you may have missed - we've got a couple hundred blog posts in our archive!
Intel Dump / Re: Consolidated Games-on-Sale Thread
« Last post by Arctic Blast on July 25, 2024, 05:36:12 PM »
It's a fun game. It can get a little finicky sometimes with card relationships : "Oh, this does 7 acid damage to such and such, but he has a reflector shield up so that instead hits the next strongest villain, and that explodes which deals 3 explosive splash damage to this other thing..."
Organizations, Vehicles, Equipment / Re: Ships!
« Last post by besilarius on July 25, 2024, 02:15:58 PM »

Refueling during the Doolittle raid.
One noticeable difference in technique.  The carrier  is the guide and the oiler approaches her and matches course and speed.  Nowadays, the oiler is the guide and all the other ships do the approach.  Oilers are a lot less maneuverable
RPGs & Adventure Gaming / Re: Reaper Minis Bones campaign #6
« Last post by bayonetbrant on July 24, 2024, 09:27:32 AM »
there's a chance that my shipment will be here when I get back from California.

it's been a few years, but damn am I look forward to this finally arriving :)
Intel Dump / Re: Tuesday Newsday! Weekly dump of wargaming news
« Last post by bayonetbrant on July 23, 2024, 07:21:51 PM »
It's not in #TuesdayNewsday b/c there's no "verb" associated w/ it yet but based on, well, the publisher talking to us, it won't be long until you'll litorally be able to play one of the leading pro/hobby hybrid games in a true digital environment
Micro prose about it coming soon
Intel Dump / Re: Tuesday Newsday! Weekly dump of wargaming news
« Last post by bayonetbrant on July 23, 2024, 05:11:26 PM »
Plenty of New Games To Keep You Busy ~ #TuesdayNewsday
July really is "the Saturday of Summer" and we get toward the end of it, #TuesdayNewsday is starting to pick up with more releases and other news & events

Sci-fi & Fantasy Warfare / Re: Car Wars 6e -- I Just Dunno
« Last post by Silent Disapproval Robot on July 23, 2024, 02:59:55 PM »
I ended up going all in on the 6e Kickstarter.   It's far too pricey for what it offers.  I think they looked at the success of Gaslands and tried to emulate that.  By doing so, they stripped out much of the stuff that made Car Wars fun and turned it from a somewhat crunchy game of maneuver into a dice chucker.

Getting rid of the phased movement and changing it to an IGOUGO system was a terrible idea.  Not only does it give the first player a chance to alpha strike subsequent players before they even get a chance to move, it also makes the downtime between player activations far too long.  Roll-overs are gone.  Targeting modifiers based on relative speed are gone.  Individual tire damage is gone.  Special moves like bootlegger turns are gone.

Also, the rules are very, very basic and they only cover a small sliver of what needs to be in the game.  There's nothing for trucks, motorcycles, jumps, pedestrians, etc and rules for things like cover, barricades, collisions, are very limited and somewhat simplistic.

Real missed opportunity, IMO.  If you're willing to track down 3rd party STL files and do some painting and building, I think Gaslands is the better bet at this point.  There's far more available out there.  If you just want everything in one package, I'd say go for an earlier iteration of the game.  There's not a lot offered in the boxed set of 6e.  You're limited to 4 cars max.  You still need to paint the minis and, due to their large size, the maps tend to feel very cramped and it just turns into a close range brawl within one or two turns, every time.

RPGs & Adventure Gaming / Re: RPG Deals!
« Last post by bayonetbrant on July 23, 2024, 12:13:44 PM »
technically it's a "deal" b/c the pre-order price is cheaper than the retail price

but it's still expensive

like, not-even-kidding expensive

and they'll still sell out
Intel Dump / Re: Wargame Design Studio News Thread + Latest Sale Titles
« Last post by rahamy on July 22, 2024, 09:02:34 AM »
The Game of the Week is Panzer Campaigns – Tunisia ‘43. This title covers the desperate fighting in North Africa from the end  of 1942 to the conclusion in May of 1943. Dig into the details in todays blog post covering this fascinating title: