Captain Mal's pistol replica part 1My cast resin replica of Captain Mal’s pistol finally arrived. Time for the unboxing. This was purchased from a small company called Arsenal Replica Models who sells through another small company called Hanzo Swords. An interesting place to browse around.
I have purchased several Arsenal models and to be honest I am not sure they are the quality I would expect for the price. This pistol was marked down considerably so I went for it. My other sources for models are Etsy and various toy distributors which have started doing more adult scale “toys” specifically for cosplay. Prices for prop replicas, especially on Etsy, can vary a lot depending on the level of finishing done by the vendor. Etsy is where I got my Mandalorian pulse rifle and handgun. Both were 3D printed kits requiring a good bit of assembly and finishing but they were more reasonably priced.
The model came in a decent box with a good illustration of the finished product on the outside. The model consists of the pistol and two odd looking thingies that I eventually figured out were the thumbscrews that are attached just below where the barrel enters the body of the firearm. We’ll get to those later. There is a sheet of very general “how to work on a resin model” instructions but no specific instructions on this model. It is simple enough you really don’t need any.
At first glance the pistol is not as good a cast as I’ve gotten from other vendors. There is some clean up and sanding that will need to be done. It looks very much to scale. There are some casting flaws here and there but with a little TLC I think it will be a decent replica. The grips are well defined and the “screws” holding the grips on are well molded. The biggest effort is going to be the end of the barrel which is flat on the end without any bore. That is probably the first thing I will tackle.
The next part of any replica build is finding some good reference photos. Yay, internet! I found several excellent photos to work with for colors, finish and the barrel detail I need.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2023, 04:34:04 PM by Doctor Quest »
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