While again it's not my bag, I can sort of see the appeal for those diving into the MYTHOS campaign.
Incidentally, I played a bit more Troy earlier today. I'm probably just delusional, but I feel like I'm starting to get at least a marginal handle on what I'm doing now. Perhaps more pertinently, I'm beginning to enjoy myself.
I know not everyone is going to love it, but I'm starting to dig the multiple-resource economy, and how it forces you to really plan/budget carefully when it comes to recruiting troops and constructing buildings, as well as how it can factor into your diplomatic dealings. There's a sense of genuinely beneficial mutual trade with other factions for different resources, such as actually existed in the late Bronze Age (though it's obviously simplified and on a far smaller scale in-game). Score some definite points for atmosphere/immersion.
I also feel compelled to add how happy I am with the diplomacy model (which CA pretty much lifted wholesale from 3KTW), as you now see a numerical representation of how happy/unhappy a faction is with your current proposal. The addition of the "make this work" button to the diplomacy screen is a godsend as well. I realize taking the guesswork out of diplomatic negoatiations is hilariously unrealistic, but it's a huge QoL improvement in terms of gameplay. I sincerely hope this remains the model for all Total War games going forward.
Anyway, those are my thoughts/impressions thus far. Am planning to dive back in later this evening.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2021, 02:20:10 PM by Martok »
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