Armchair Dragoons Forums


  • The ACDC returns in 2025!  17-19 January 2025 we'll gather online for a variety of games and chats all weekend long
  • The 2024 Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly will be held 11-13 October 2024 at The Gamer's Armory in Cary, NC (outside of Raleigh)


The ACDC returns in 2025!  17-19 January 2025 we'll gather online for a variety of games and chats all weekend long

Recent Posts

Intel Dump / Re: Undercovers wishlist and updates
« Last post by bob48 on Yesterday at 07:29:22 AM »
I've looked at manor Lords a few times, but not taken the plunge with it. How good is it, in your opinion?
Designing and Creating / Re: DBA to DBM
« Last post by bob48 on Yesterday at 07:27:19 AM »
I'm listening  :)

I have played DBA quite a bit in the past, but not for many years. As I recall, the last battles we, (me and my 2 gaming buddies), did were from the Zulu Wars.

However, I'm interested in your project as a gamer, although I have to add that I personally really never play any period later than the French Indochina war, or maybe the later Vietnam war.
Intel Dump / Re: Undercovers wishlist and updates
« Last post by Gusington on Yesterday at 06:41:54 AM »
Geek did you progress far enough in Manor Lords to try out combat?
Intel Dump / Re: Undercovers wishlist and updates
« Last post by Undercovergeek on Yesterday at 05:43:50 AM »
As if by magic overnight sea power goes from release date grumbles to early access release in November  :party: :rockon: :groovy:


SOLD!!! Fetch me my wallet
Intel Dump / Re: Undercovers wishlist and updates
« Last post by Undercovergeek on Yesterday at 05:30:58 AM »
Forgot the update!!

I played almost 27 hours straight on release - it has its oddities but beyond that it’s a great atmospheric village builder - after that 27 hours I decided to wait for a few fixes - in particular the way the markets work and supply houses - and then aurora 4x and xcom 2 long war 2 happened - I’ve seen a few updates go past - I’m hoping it will once again be a hidden gem when the backlog merry go round starts again
4X Gaming / Re: Ara History Untold
« Last post by Undercovergeek on Yesterday at 05:24:02 AM »
Yup waiting and occasionally digging for info

Would usually expect a multitude of pre release lets plays on YT by now


Designing and Creating / DBA to DBM
« Last post by Ironsides on Yesterday at 04:53:18 AM »
I don't post here often if at all and this is about like high balling out of the rail yard. You've read the title right, DBA (De Bellis Antiquitatis) to DBA (De Bellis Moderni) which if I'm correct is 'the wars of modernity'. Yes, I am making an ancients game into a modern warfare game. Am I mad? You be the judge  :)

The inspiration came from Mark's Game Room who made his own ACW modification of Little Wars TV's Age of Hannibal which he called Age of Lincoln. I thought his implementation of Army Corp morale, artillery and cavalry were quite clever in my opinion. I decided to up the ante by jumping from ACW to late Cold War modern warfare. It is a hybrid of DBA trait-heavy granularity coupled with brilliant abstraction of AoH with some weirdness of my own.

Concepts in mind is communications, combined arms and unique stratagems to modern warfare (what I call Combat doctrines).

Did I get anyone's attention or am I talking nonsense?
Intel Dump / Re: Undercovers wishlist and updates
« Last post by Martok on Yesterday at 03:49:23 AM »
Still, Falling Frontier, delayed now until 2025, but if thats right no one knows - the game has undergone some massive changes that a lot of folks are unhappy about - im still following, im still interested

Conquer a vast procedurally generated star system in Falling Frontier, a sci-fi RTS where intel and logistics are decisive factors. Design ships and raid enemy supply lines, lay minefields and construct recon stations, and ambush enemy forces within asteroid fields and nebulae.

Next half tomorrow - Tactical Breach Wizards, Fragile Existence, ARA and Alliance of the Sacred Suns among them

You, sir, have excellent taste.  What think you of Manor Lords (now that it's been out a few months)? 

4X Gaming / Re: Ara History Untold
« Last post by Martok on Yesterday at 03:32:55 AM »
I wish this game were getting more coverage than it has; it looks more interesting to me than Civ 7.  Unfortunately, it seems like most of the videos/articles I've seen so far are long on hype/filler and short on any actual meat. 

Ah, well.  At least we'll know more in a week.  :waiting: 

Pre-Gunpowder / Re: HISPANIA wargame on Gamefound
« Last post by DracoIdeas on Yesterday at 03:26:47 AM »

We share the rulebook in its final version, as well as more information about the wooden insert.