You're welcome and thank you.
Modelling is a double edged sword for me. I love building them - but painting does tend to stress me out somewhat. Particularly mixing and thinning. When I see I have to mix paint, I tend to try and find a colour that's close enough. I didn't with this - I did mix to get the colour required, but honestly I'm not sure I managed it - worse, though, I over estimated how much paint I would need and ended up through a bit away - not ideal when the paints I can get are so small (in the UK, we're only allowed (or at least we can only buy) 10ml Tamiya paint bottles. None of that 25ml bottled stuff you can get outside the EU.
So building is a pleasure - painting, no so much, though I do love the end result almost every time.
Oh and decals...they're a pain. So many - particularly for modern jets. But even this I found had a load of tiny little ones. You think "What's the point - no-one will see" but actually when they're on, they do make a difference in giving the model some life
Overall though, a hobbly I generally really enjoy...wouldn't be a hobby otherwise, would it