I'll see what I can do on some of the AmRev stuff. We have what might be my favorite mix of scenarios so far coming out in Vol IV.
It's been a blast to hang out and talk with people these past two days at the Williamsburg Armory and Magazine. I had about a twenty-minute talk with a wheelwright yesterday about the ubiquity and usefulness of two-wheeled carts over wagons for transporting supplies. I thn moved over to the leatherworker and he and I talked for probably thirty minutes about shoes and the difficulties the Americans faced early in the war due to not having any accountability in the logistics system. He recommended a book called Supplying Washington's Army that discusses the logistics of the Revolution. It all made me wish I'd had another Hollandspiele game, Supply Lines of the American Revolution with me.
Today at the Magazine there was a really great display of five three-pounders, one of which had a brass barrel, and one with a very accurate gun carriage. They also had laid out examples of round, canister, and case shot, and explained the use. Another demo was loading and firing a Land Pattern "Brown Bess" musket, after which the interpreter explained (at a high level) things like platoon firing. I ended up talking with him and mentioned With Zeal and Bayonets Only. He said that book was their bible.
I'm really very favorably impressed with Williamsburg and the staff. They have nice canned speeches, but the second you show more interest that can go deep. If they figure out you understand, you're suddenly having a very rewarding conversation. All of this, mind you, with everyone wearing masks in 100F heat, having just come out of a three-month shutdown. This is very much worth the trip.
Tomorrow is Jamestown and Thursday Yorktown. I'll get some pictures of the fortifications.
I should also mention that there are many, many fine examples of pebbled concrete throughout the town.