Martok, when I leaned it, I just had to go in and play a few game years concentrating on leaning one or two parts of the game and how they work with the other parts I had learned. When I first started a game, I would save. So when I felt comfortable with what I was trying to learn, I'd restart. Of course, not everything would work out the same, but it worked for me to learn the mechanics of the game.
ojsdad. The thing is, that's actually what I've tried to do, but I still end up feeling overwhelmed most of the time. It just seems like there's just so much more to keep track of in CK2 than in most strategy games I've played. (In comparison, even Stellaris is relatively simple, like checkers is to chess.)
I'm still on the fence about getting this before the sale is up or hold out for a better sale later in the year.
Now is probably as good a time to purchase it as any. Given Paradox's pricing policies, I doubt CK3 will be any cheaper this coming year, not even when the first major expansion drops (whenever that ends up being).
For myself, I'm just not tempted by the current sale price. Personally, $40.00 doesn't feel like a great deal to me.
In addition, my experience with Stellaris has really made me wary of Paradox in a lot of ways. Not that I'm under any delusions of never buying from them again -- I know I will

-- but both now and in the future, I'm going to be much, much more hesitant about when & where I pull the trigger on giving them (anymore of) my money.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2021, 10:04:58 AM by Martok »
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"I drastically overpaid for this existence." - bbmike