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Origins 2025 will be held in Columbus OH from 18-22 June, and the Wargame HQ will be back with over 150 events across all 5 days, and publishers like GMT, Decision, Fort Circle, Catastrophe, Ares, and the Dietz Foundation all supporting us.

Author Topic: 1807 KS -- REBOOT  (Read 34032 times)


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on: August 17, 2022, 10:34:11 AM
We re-start Labor Day weekend

This OOB is final.  Thanks to you all.  Welcome back and welcome.

I'll get out an all-hands e-mail, but still will be holding the start of the clock to Labor Day weekend (US) so there's plenty of time.

For France:
Portraying BOTH Napoleon I, Emperor of the French AND
Portraying Jean-Baptiste Bessières, 1st Duke of Istria, Commanding the Imperial Guard, Lance
Portraying Jean Bernadotte, Commanding I Corps, TomG
Portraying Louis-Nicolas d'Avout, 1st Duke of Auerstaedt, Commanding III Corps, Griff 2-6
Portraying Jean-de-Dieu Soult,, Commanding IV Corps, Gabe
Portraying Andre Massena, Commanding V Corps, Hatricus
Portraying Michel Ney, Commanding VI Corps Advocator
Portraying Édouard Mortier, Commanding VIII Corps: Pinetree
Portraying Jean Lannes, 1st Duke of Montebello, Commanding the French Reserve: Treb Courie
Portraying Joachim-Napoleon Murat, Prince of Berg and Admiral of the Empire, Commanding the Cavalry Reserve:  David Pumphouse*

For the Allies:
Portraying Levin August Gottlieb Theophil Graf von Bennigsen, Russian Supreme Commander, ACHILLES
Portraying Pyotr Bagration, Commanding the Avant-garde, Destruct
Portraying Alexander Ivanovich Count Osterman-Tolstoy, Commanding the Russian reserve, James Sterrett
Portraying Anton Wilhelm von L'Estocq, Commanding the Prussian forces, The Command Tent
Portraying Prince Michael Andreas Barclay de Tolly, OJ




And Vive L'Empereur :).

« Last Edit: August 29, 2022, 12:24:32 PM by Cyrano »

Sergeant-at-Arms - Fraternite des Boutons Carres

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Reply #1 on: August 18, 2022, 04:34:32 AM
Seems like we have to convince Jim once more of the advantages Discord has.  ;D

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Reply #2 on: August 18, 2022, 09:45:45 AM
Seems like we have to convince Jim once more of the advantages Discord has.  ;D

He's doing all the hard work. I will just follow our esteemed leader down whatever misguided path he takes us. :)


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Reply #3 on: August 18, 2022, 11:43:34 AM
Seems like we have to convince Jim once more of the advantages Discord has.  ;D

As you know, I LIKE Discord and use it regularly now.

I received strong feedback, however, from a number of players that their preferred method was e-mail.

It was also the only method that got consistent results the last time, though, in fairness, Discord was not then in play...

Sergeant-at-Arms - Fraternite des Boutons Carres

Negotiator of the fragile peace between Ruritania and Strakenz

Weeple Herder to the Emperor


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Reply #4 on: August 18, 2022, 11:43:56 AM
Seems like we have to convince Jim once more of the advantages Discord has.  ;D

He's doing all the hard work. I will just follow our esteemed leader down whatever misguided path he takes us. :)

Everyone's a comedian...

Sergeant-at-Arms - Fraternite des Boutons Carres

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Reply #5 on: August 18, 2022, 07:54:11 PM
I was unaware there was a poll on Discord vs. Email vs. Carrier Pigeon. Had I known, I would have strongly pushed for Discord as I think it's a great format for keeping things organized and in a manner that I can more easily contemplate on my phone while eating lunch.


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Reply #6 on: August 21, 2022, 11:54:45 AM
I know folks like it and I'm well used to it.

For a live KS (1824, par example), I'd definitely use it.

Clear preference amongst those who played in the previous for e-mail, though...some wanting nothing to do with Discord...or at least having nothing to do with it at present and not particularly wanting to try.


Sergeant-at-Arms - Fraternite des Boutons Carres

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Reply #7 on: August 22, 2022, 12:37:08 PM
That's interesting. I find Discord much easier to use for Kriegsspiel than e-mail.

I do both, and I find it horribly unwieldy to extract information from an e-mail quickly and precisely, if it is not superbly layouted, while cross-referencing back and forth with my map or TTS or whatever.

Plus all the options with channel management and teams and roles and whatnot.

Huh, wondering why exactly people find e-mail more convenient.

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Reply #8 on: August 22, 2022, 03:27:43 PM
Huh, wondering why exactly people find e-mail more convenient.

Probably because it's something hey know... and maybe some of they don't want to learn anything new.

PETS - People for the Ethical Treatment of Square corners

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Reply #9 on: August 22, 2022, 04:09:15 PM

And we also used email instead of Discord. And we liked it!


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Reply #10 on: August 22, 2022, 04:47:16 PM
Huh, wondering why exactly people find e-mail more convenient.

Because I check it more often.


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Reply #11 on: August 22, 2022, 05:40:18 PM

And we also used email instead of Discord. And we liked it!
"EMAIL"?!? Why, We had JUST "Air Mail" and "1st Class", or "Magazine Class"-(forgot WHAT they called that), "CandyGrams", "Strip-O-Grams", "PAY to PLAY-by-mail"-('Starweb', etc.), and whatever! "Do Do Do Do Do Do Do!  Playing 'Games' in the U.S.A. Somebody get ME a handful of 'Cheetos'! ...and a 'Cheeseburger'!"


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Reply #12 on: August 22, 2022, 05:53:10 PM
Ok Scott, I LOLed


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Reply #13 on: August 22, 2022, 07:43:16 PM
I may not post often, but when I do, I aim to amuse.


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Reply #14 on: August 22, 2022, 09:02:00 PM
BTW Adam Sandler movies were never funny. Just sayin. ;)

PETS - People for the Ethical Treatment of Square corners