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Author Topic: Terra Invicta  (Read 9015 times)


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on: December 03, 2021, 05:37:46 PM
Figured we should probably have a thread about this one, since I know at least a few of you are interested in it.  :)  They just dropped a trailer introducing the factions: 

"I like big maps and I cannot lie." - Barthheart

"I drastically overpaid for this existence." - bbmike


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Reply #1 on: December 07, 2021, 08:03:11 PM
Yeah, it's on my Steam wishlist   :applause:

Somewhere, somehow, I woke up in the wrong timeline. I'm pretty sure this isn't even my dimension.


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Reply #2 on: June 10, 2022, 03:13:28 PM
Release has been delayed a bit (still coming out this year, though).  Sounds like a demo is coming next week:

"I like big maps and I cannot lie." - Barthheart

"I drastically overpaid for this existence." - bbmike


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Reply #3 on: June 10, 2022, 04:14:50 PM
Just came from my regular release dates check on steam and saw no change - must have just missed this

I’m not a demo person but I really fancy this game so will give it a shot


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Reply #4 on: June 13, 2022, 08:23:14 AM
13gb demo - juicy


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Reply #5 on: June 13, 2022, 12:10:34 PM
the game is indeed massive, a full playthrough on high speed of the demo would take 12 hours i believe......

there is no save function

sure you could turn the sound off and go to bed and start again next day but really? unfortunately its the biggest discussion on the release of the demo, im sure the devs must be wincing knowing this is exactly what was going to happen - at least explain why, especially as the press release demos have a save function

ill dive back in later


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Reply #6 on: June 14, 2022, 04:02:23 AM
I've seen complaints the game moves *very* slowly, pacing-wise, and that the gameplay loop in the early part of the game can get a bit repetitive.  If either of these things are widely perceived as being issues, hopefully they get addressed before the game is released into the wild. 

"I like big maps and I cannot lie." - Barthheart

"I drastically overpaid for this existence." - bbmike


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Reply #7 on: June 14, 2022, 12:45:44 PM
I’ve taken a few screenshots and can do a very small write up but can’t come out of the game to write it and can’t write it without coming out of the game!

As with all big games you spend the first bit barely scratching the surface but it’s deep, much deeper than I thought

When I play dw2, stellaris, eu and crusader kings i very rarely go past x2 speed but you have to go top speed on this to get the game to move - it pauses itself when it needs to


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Reply #8 on: June 14, 2022, 05:53:52 PM
yup, i give in - had other stuff to do so couldnt get further into the game - there has just been a 256kb update to the demo - i dont know what it is, if thats too small to be a same gave addition i dunno, anywayyy...........

the world............ note Ukraine at war with Russia

Slight disclaimer - this will probably be a eurocentric game - i live there and for old times sakes have worked in every country from Ireland to Russia so theres nostalgia too - that and the guide im following is by a scottish guy

Although its entirely random, on my 3 starts the aliens have crashed in Turkey once and Wuhan, China twice - really? You crash landed in Wuhan Province  :biggrin: The tutorial tasks one of my agents to go investigate the crash site

My other agent is sent to work in Europe. The first stage of the game is all about spreading your factions influence and expanding their power in nations, preferably in nations that have bonuses - research areas, space programs - Khazakstan is a good starter because of their launch facilities, there are bonuses for influencing 'groups' such as the EU as opposed to just nations, and the Russo pact. I decide to concentrate on the EU, which correctly doesnt contain GB. Controlling a nation is one of a myriad of options open to your agents, and its success is based on their persuasion score - again, one of many RPG stats for your guys and so you cant just waltz into major nations like France, Germany, USA and start influencing them, you need to build a network of easier countries to control and then benefit from neighbouring bonuses move on the big boys - fairly central to Europe and touching quite a few of the others are the Alpine States (switzerland luxembourg and Austria to you and me - a total smack in the face to outraged Swiss and Austrians on the steam forum btw) - so we make that our first goal - choose agent, choose control nation and then you get a percentage of your chances to pull it off which can be boosted by spending some of your influence (an adjustable resource) - 82%

As per the tutorial we discover the crash site - this unlocks further research in other alien activity - infiltrate surrounding regions to see if there have been alien abductions been one

The next biggy is expanding the council, i currently have 2, it would have been 3 but he was drunk all the time affecting his persuasion skills - which isnt the be all and end all but at the start of the game influence and persuasion are the big things - so we sacked him

We gain control of the first of 3 sectors in the Alpine regions, i may be wrong but as far as i know its impossible now for an opposing faction to get number 2 without removing me from number 1 which is another agent mission - so youre in a very strong position taking the first of any countries control points and why there is a bit of a land grab in the early part of the game

So we now control the Alpine Sectors state media and all the bonuses that brings, smaller countries have 1 or 2 control points, all the way upto 8 for USA and China and Russia i think - the importance been on the sectors you take - the very last sector contains the administration of that region (think White House, Kremlin, Parliament) and if they are a nuclear power, you can press the button when the time comes

A money shot of the solar system - its not all based on Earth, in time will come the chance to build off world mines, trading companies, space stations, habs, satelites, off world dockyards - the list goes on

The UN convenes, as expected its a shit show - no one can agree on what to do, the meeting does not unite the nations of earth - the options here were to stay hidden, partially reveal my faction, or go fully public - doing this gains a pile of influence but reveals you to other factions and some hidden factions to you - lets see whos out there

The Academy, like us they are opposed to the thought of welcoming our alien visitors but they are based more around deep rooted conspiracy theories and fake news than armed resistance

We get total control of the Czech Republic - this now gives us the chance to steer the nation towards our way of thinking, alter their policies, guide their economy and generally coerce the population into supporting our faction - it also gives us an expanding neighbourhood bonus to taking Poland and Germany - France been leader of the EU the ultimate goal

We fail in Poland on our first attempt

and in doing so reveal our agent to opposing factions - who will now have missions and goals to eradicate, turn or neutralise our agent

After a couple more turns we gain 2 influence in Poland

and here the adventure ended, i havent touched on research, the research tree puts Stellaris and DW2 to shame, anything off world, my last turn saw me with enough confidence to go for France, but another faction has already moved in, i must start a coup, or purge this faction

each and every playthrough gets easier so more advances can be made - i just dont have the time to sit at the PC for 7 hours and get that deep into it

My conclusions are the demo has done its job on me, i think its an incredibly deep, character led game so far and am more excited than i was pre demo for the full game - ill go back into it soon and hopefully get further and bring news here


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Reply #9 on: June 15, 2022, 06:25:29 AM
Damn, 'geek.  You almost have *me* interested in this one now.  (And it's never looked like it was my cup of tea.)  ;D 

"I like big maps and I cannot lie." - Barthheart

"I drastically overpaid for this existence." - bbmike


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Reply #10 on: June 16, 2022, 01:23:53 PM
i love it - sadly the demo expires on the 20th - there is a 1.3gb update today but i dont know what its done - it didnt add a save feature - annoyingly streamers are allowed a save version so there is one out there but not for us peasants

as i said the demo has done its job on me - first day buy whenever that maybe

Huw the Poo

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Reply #11 on: June 16, 2022, 01:52:17 PM
Jeez, time-limited demo and only streamers get to save? Could they possibly show more contempt to prospective buyers?


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Reply #12 on: June 16, 2022, 02:38:02 PM
Rumours abound that it’s to prevent data mining and stealing the rest of the game 🤷‍♂️

But no official comment from pavonis or HH - in fact some ‘where is the save feature’ discussions have been deleted

Interestingly at ye olde place HH have turned up for a chat and been given there own forum section - the first question in there should be ‘where’s the save feature’ - any allusions to we didn’t make one is blown out now it’s clear streamers have one

As for contempt for buyers they can strip me naked and spank me with table tennis bats - I’m still buying it


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Reply #13 on: September 15, 2022, 02:16:22 AM
when you get the credit card out to buy regiments off the steam wish list and see 'Terra Invicta' to be released 26 september - a bit of sex wee came out

i can get both but cant justify the time sink both will demand - i will happily play TI until i have to call in sick

im loving Anno 1800, really really loving it but TI is the dirty mistress who lets you do bad things to her - card sheathed for 11 days then expect american style yeehaas and whoops of joy

the kind Brant does when the family goes out without him

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Reply #14 on: September 15, 2022, 04:42:35 AM
Demo is available.