I take it all back about Airfix getting their shit together. This model is honestly horrible. It seems to be over engineered - almost like the part count was important.
The engine cowlings are 3 parts - and when all fitted together, there's a huge fit issue. At least 3mm maybe more. This of course makes it harder to fit the final piece of cowling on (as the hole that's meant to fit in has gotten bigger.
The glass for the gun turret is terrible. I've had it sitting with a peg clamped on it trying to get it to fit the gun turret. Currently, where the opening is, it's too big. So I'm trying to close that. It's been two days and there's been some movement - but not enough. I am absolutely dreading the cockpit glass...and there's lots of it.
I've almost binned this twice. If the cockpit glass doesn't fit, it's off the table and into the bin. It's not something I want to keep around and it's not something that I think is going to look particularly nice.
Just awful.
I would say that there are positive reviews out there regarding new aircraft kits - perhaps even this one. I don't have experience of any others (stay tuned, I do have a Hawker Sea Hurricane) but this is just not a pleasant build at all.