In general terms, I'm not much given to using house rules, unless its something so glaringly obviously wrong, or something a you see a lot of other players advocating, or even, on odd occasions, something condoned by the game designer, maybe possibly triggering an official errata.
Having said that.............................
I'm quite a big fan of the OST games (I may have even mention that elsewhere......) the rules of which flow along very nicely without any notable issues, but, there are a couple of small points that irk me enough to consider introducing house rules.
The first one is about turreted vehicles which are able to fire at targets outside of the vehicles front arc without any penalty. I find this a bit on the generous side, so my 'fix' for this is that when firing at a 'hard' target, the 'to hit' roll has a -1 DRM, and, if the target is of the 'soft' variety, then the HE firepower is reduced by 1.
Nothing too controversial about that, I think.
Second one. Well, I've always found it annoying that any squad level game that has separate LMG that you have to assign to squads (and there are never enough to go around) seems to ignore the fact that just about all infantry squads, regardless of who's army it is, included a LMG as part of its normal equipment.
But anyway, apart from that, I find it odd that a squad (in this game) is allowed to carry only one support weapon, which, for the Germans, means ether an LMG or a Panzerfaust. So, this a bunch of usually around10 men, who should include a 2 man LMG team anyway, but can't also carry a Panzerfaust?
Not only that, but even then they can manage to carry 1 Panzerfaust? Use it and its gone! This is despite the fact that you can find lots of photo's of 'em carrying multiple weapons.
OK, I know its all about 'playability' but even so, I find it makes no sense when rules obviously do not (as far as any game can) attempt to replicate 'realism'.
My answer to this one? Allow a squad to carry 2 different support weapons, or ,more specifically in this case, an LMG and a Panzerfaust. Furthermore, a Panzerfaust is only expended if, when making a 'to hit' roll, you get a 'double'.
And there you have it. As ever, this is just my take on it, and thus is very subjective.