The ACDC returns in 2025! 17-19 January 2025 we'll gather online for a variety of games and chats all weekend long
Organizations, Vehicles, Equipment / Re: Planes!
« Last post by bob48 on September 15, 2024, 07:22:34 AM »92
Age of Gunpowder / Re: Any Good Crimean War PC Games?
« Last post by Gusington on September 14, 2024, 11:18:22 PM »It's a book I want to read soon...Orlando Figes' 'The Crimean War.'
Age of Gunpowder / Re: Any Good Crimean War PC Games?
« Last post by Doctor Quest on September 14, 2024, 10:54:07 PM »Maybe the old SSI Age of Rifles had some Crimean scenarios?
It's on GOG now.
You beat me to it. AOR was the first thing I thought of.
Age of Gunpowder / Re: Any Good Crimean War PC Games?
« Last post by bayonetbrant on September 14, 2024, 10:27:15 PM »That my point!
Age of Gunpowder / Re: Any Good Crimean War PC Games?
« Last post by Undercovergeek on September 14, 2024, 10:01:42 PM »this might be your best bet
Tis WW2
Age of Gunpowder / Re: Any Good Crimean War PC Games?
« Last post by bayonetbrant on September 14, 2024, 09:25:19 PM »this might be your best bet
Age of Gunpowder / Re: Any Good Crimean War PC Games?
« Last post by Undercovergeek on September 14, 2024, 08:21:18 PM »What book have you just put down thats inspired that choice?
Im all out of ideas - i dont know whether id want operational, strategical or tactical but youre right - very under represented war
Im all out of ideas - i dont know whether id want operational, strategical or tactical but youre right - very under represented war
Intel Dump / Re: Reevaluating Games
« Last post by Undercovergeek on September 14, 2024, 08:19:12 PM »There have been a good number of games that just never lived up to my expectations for a whole host of reasons. Poorly written rules, bugs, excessive DLC, sleep-inducing gameplay, etc... However, every now and then, I will go back and give a game a second or third chance just to make sure my dislike was not due to my just not being receptive to the game at the time I originally played it.
With nothing on the very near PC games horizon ive decided to go back to my expensive back catalogue of 'classics' that i spent a fortune on and then stopped playing after 20 hours
First on the list is XCOM 2, ive added the Long War 2 mod and in the last maybe 5 weeks have gone from 24 hours to 213 with it now sitting in third place as my most played game. I have loved every minute, maybe not so much now im coming to the end game and the final missions are ridiculously hard, but the basic missions are brilliant - i should be done in about 10 hours but due to the way ive crushed the opposition i can stretch that out and improve my teams some more before finishing the campaign
After that, its back to EU4 that never really got a fair shake
Intel Dump / Re: Undercovers wishlist and updates
« Last post by Undercovergeek on September 14, 2024, 08:11:24 PM »An idea from TCT i think - at least 2 times a week i check the discussion boards and youtube for news on the games on my wishlist and any good new releases so i thought id share and update here in case in anyone is of a like mind - one thing to bear in mind, steam isnt necessarily the most upto date news platform for the game - developers open reddit pages and have discord servers for up to the minute news - im in no way contributing to the toxicity of the steam discussions were people scream murder that the dev dare update anything other than the actual shop window for the game but im not subscribing to discord or anything else to get the news - if streamers havent seen it on YT or the steam page isnt updated i dont know about it
Firstly, Falling Frontier, probably my most anticipated game and a lot of others too
Conquer a vast procedurally generated star system in Falling Frontier, a sci-fi RTS where intel and logistics are decisive factors. Design ships and raid enemy supply lines, lay minefields and construct recon stations, and ambush enemy forces within asteroid fields and nebulae.
As of 25/07 it still says its due 2023, theres not much news on the steam discussion, the dev occasionally gets drawn into an argument about release date. There is more news on Discord apparently, chatter points towards early access - the Dev says he was writing his own game as of 2021 and Hooded Horse came on board and moved a lot of the goal posts so hes playing catch up - 2023? Nah
Next up is Manor Lords, possibly the most anticipated game on steam at the mo
Manor Lords is a medieval strategy game featuring in-depth city building, large-scale tactical battles, and complex economic and social simulations. Rule your lands as a medieval lord -- the seasons pass, the weather changes, and cities rise and fall.
Again as of 25/07, still says 2023, i missed out on the demo but am not joining the constant calls for a new one - honestly the steam discussion boards are a cesspit of entitlement and negativity, this and Falling Frontier get so much hate because theyve not been released, even accused of been vapourware. A recent YT video by a streamer with some kind of access has shown a lot of work has gone into the game since the last Dev update, a lot of changes and advancements not mentioned on Steam - but he refuses to be drawn on a release, 2023? Nah
Third - Espiocracy
Espiocracy is an espionage grand strategy game where you lead the intelligence agency of one of 74 playable countries. Rewrite history from the shadows as you influence ideologies, stage coups, and wage proxy wars. Subterfuge takes center stage as you establish a new world order.
Great concept, great looking game - discussion died down after the game moved to a release in 2024, nothing solid anywhere or much discussion other than will there be this faction, will there be that - Mossad definitely in!
BTW all Hooded Horse so far!!
Fourth, Broken Arrow
Broken Arrow is a large-scale real-time modern warfare tactics game. A unique army building system and deep units customization tools allow for endless replayability. With 200+ realistic military units and technologies, each battle is more immersive than ever before.
Absolutely loved the demo, theyre prepping a multi player beta at the moment but having server issues and then a solid release date should be more viable, at the minute its a non commital Coming Soon. If you want a snapshot of the asshats on the discussion forum the top 3 discussions right now are 'has this been abandoned?', 'its quite a joke we havent been given a release date yet', and 'Give me the source code to mod in a plane i want'
Five, Task Force Admiral - Vol.1: American Carrier Battles
Experience the thrill of leading American aircraft carriers to victory in this innovative full 3D command simulation wargame set in the Pacific in 1942. First-person or God’s eye, you lead your fleet and planes right from the center of the battle.
Another great looking game, Coming Soon is all youll get, although IIRC theyve promised something this year but im not sure what. Dev is active over at Ye Olde Forum with his own sub forum and posts regularly and even makes alternate game recommendations - seems like a good guy, and posts almost monthly Dev diary updates on steam and over there
Six, Sea Power : Naval Combat in the Missile Age
From the lead designer of Cold Waters, Sea Power lets you control NATO and Warsaw Pact forces in modern naval conflict campaigns. Use your advanced naval weaponry and sensors to respect rules of engagement and defeat the enemy forces in a tense fight for initiative and air/naval supremacy.
Very excited for this, and Staggerwing, and BH and SDR - i see you on the wanted list! Says Coming Soon, all talk on the discussion board is it wont be ready til 24/25 its that big - another receiver of the 'its never coming out' and 'has it been abandoned' discussions
I didnt realise what a mission this would be!!! Second half later today
Over a year - good grief that went fast - my shortlist now has just 13 games on as some have been purchased and in some cases wisdom and 'do i really want that one' took over
Still, Falling Frontier, delayed now until 2025, but if thats right no one knows - the game has undergone some massive changes that a lot of folks are unhappy about - im still following, im still interested
Conquer a vast procedurally generated star system in Falling Frontier, a sci-fi RTS where intel and logistics are decisive factors. Design ships and raid enemy supply lines, lay minefields and construct recon stations, and ambush enemy forces within asteroid fields and nebulae.
Still - Espiocracy
Espiocracy is an espionage grand strategy game where you lead the intelligence agency of one of 74 playable countries. Rewrite history from the shadows as you influence ideologies, stage coups, and wage proxy wars. Subterfuge takes center stage as you establish a new world order.
Great concept, great looking game - Sep 24 now and no mention of release or anything really - the usual 'game is dead' crowd are out
Still, Broken Arrow
Broken Arrow is a large-scale real-time modern warfare tactics game. A unique army building system and deep units customization tools allow for endless replayability. With 200+ realistic military units and technologies, each battle is more immersive than ever before.
Absolutely loved the demo, theyre prepping a second open beta for September at the moment and then a more solid release date should be more viable ( ), at the minute its a non commital Coming Soon but speculation is 2025. Still the forum baffoonery attacking the devs for not releasing yet
Still, Task Force Admiral - Vol.1: American Carrier Battles
Experience the thrill of leading American aircraft carriers to victory in this innovative full 3D command simulation wargame set in the Pacific in 1942. First-person or God’s eye, you lead your fleet and planes right from the center of the battle.
Im sure things are happening, but no movement on release or anything recent. One champion on the forum copies links to their twitter page with monthly updates, small potatoes like damage graphics etc, which im sure are much harder than small potatoes - no forum baffoonery, its a mature-er crowd and the Dev is honest about progress if his cage gets rattled enough to respond
Still, Sea Power : Naval Combat in the Missile Age
From the lead designer of Cold Waters, Sea Power lets you control NATO and Warsaw Pact forces in modern naval conflict campaigns. Use your advanced naval weaponry and sensors to respect rules of engagement and defeat the enemy forces in a tense fight for initiative and air/naval supremacy.
I think this is probably now my most anticipated game - theyre still promising something in 2024 so we'll see. Recent dev updates look great
Next half tomorrow - Tactical Breach Wizards, Fragile Existence, ARA and Alliance of the Sacred Suns among them
Age of Gunpowder / Re: Any Good Crimean War PC Games?
« Last post by Gusington on September 14, 2024, 07:57:52 PM »Nice, thank you Bawb and Bes. A sorely neglected war in PC gaming