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Author Topic: Academically/Professionally Relevant Wargame Magazines/Journals  (Read 5420 times)


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As part of a side project, I mined the citations in Phil Sabin's Simulating War book to dredge up all of the "non-traditional" sources involving wargaming magazines and journals. Sabin is citing articles that were relevant for war studies, design, and wargaming more generally. I also grabbed the cites with Simulation and Gaming. In a couple of places i have links to some Moves editions I've found online.

Publication   Issue   Author   Title   Have?
ATO   2009 Annual   Aceto   "A Short History of Solitaire Wargames   
ATO   2010, 30   Beyma   Play Balance   
ATO   2005, 13   Ferrell   Modeling Conflict: A New Approach   
ATO   2008, 21   Herman   Card Driven Games: A False Choice   
ATO   2008, 23   Mulholland   Keeping the Colonies Loyal   
ATO   2007, 19   Prados   Feast or Fad   
ATO   2010, 30   Pulsipher   Designing for Cause vs Designing for Effect in Historical Games   
ATO   2008, 21   Rohrbaugh   Class Warfare: Simulation Games and Learning   
ATO   2008, 23   Rohrbaugh   A Designers Challenge: The Design and History of Pocket Battle Games   
ATO   2008, 21   Sabin   Studying Conflict Simulation   
ATO   2008, 21   Sheikh   Stacking Rules in Conflict Simulations   
ATO   2006, Annual   Werbaneth   Roundtable of Consim Artists   
Battle    1976, 3/12   Grant   In Defence of Wargaming   
Battles   2009, 1   Bonnard   Unhappy King Charles   Y
Battles   2009, 2   Guillory   Warfare Affair   Y
Battles   2010, 3   Guillory   Warfare Affair   Y
Battles   2010, 4   Hughes   Battle for Normandy: Too Much of a Good Thing?   Y
Battles   2010, 5   Hughes   Sleeping with the Enemy: Pro German Bias in WW 2 Wargaming   Y
Battles   2010, 3   Kirschenbaum   Bulge 20   Y
Battles   2010, 4   Mahaffey   Mark Maheffey, the Mapologist   Y
Battles   2009, 2   Marchand   Print 'n Play, the Italian Way   Y
Battles   2009, 1   Nordling   Really Small   Y
Battles   2009, 2   Nordling   Really Small   Y
Battles   2010, 3   Nordling   Really Small   Y
Battles   2010, 4   Nordling   Really Small   Y
Battles   2011, 5   Nordling   Really Small   Y
Battles   2009, 1   Revenu   Storm over Stalingrad   Y
Battles   2010, 4   Sabin   Accuracy, Accessibility and Uncertainty: The Dilemmas of Decision Simulation   Y
Battles   2010, 5   Sabin   Wargames, Counterfactual History and Chaos Theory   Y
Battles   2011, 6   Sabin   Computers and the Strangely Prolonged Demise of Board Wargaming   Y
Battles   2012, 8   Sabin   Force to Space Ratios   Y
Battles   2010, 3   Taylor   Interview with Jerry Taylor   Y
Battles   2010, 4   Thompson   Breakout Memories   Y
Battles   2009, 1   Vasey   Not for Me, Thank you   Y
Battles   2009, 2   Vasey   History-Lite   Y
Battles   2010, 3   Vasey   Alexander the Statistician   Y
Battles   2010, 4   Vasey   Haystacks at the End of Summer   Y
Battles   2010, 4   Vasey   Chaos Gaming   Y
F&M   1987, 25   Baney   From the Cloisters of Wargaming: The Monk Family   
F&M   1987, 55   Besinque   Role Simulation   Y
F&M   1984, 40   Best   Evaluating the Accuracy of Conflict Simulations: 1815 and Napoleon's Last Battles   
F&M   1990, 66   Caffrey   Defense and Popular Wargaming: Mutual Benefit from Mutual Knowledge   Y
F&M   1980, 23    Charbonneau   Streets of Stalingrad   
F&M   1982, 27   Churchman   Forum: Deception, Surprise, and Ambush   
F&M   2003, 132   Compton   Marathon and Granicus   
F&M   2009, 150   Cundiff   The Strategies and Tactics of Defiance: The Battle for Cufra 1931   
F&M   1991, 75    Gruenbaum   Paper Wars: Contemporary Military Wargaming   
F&M   1978, 10   Haggart   Battle Report: Gettysburg   
F&M   1978, 11   Haggart   Wellington's Victory as History and Design   
F&M   2005, 139   Haggart   What is a Simulation? Part I: A little History and Seven Myth-Conceptions   Y
F&M   2006, 140   Haggart   What is a Simulation? Part II: The Concept, Building Blocks, and Practical Results   Y
F&M   2006, 141   Haggart   What is a Simulation? Part III: What Makes a Game a Simulation   Y
F&M   1980, 21   Helfferich   Jack Radey: Red Star Rising   
F&M   1980, 23   Helfferich   Battle for Stalingrad   
F&M   1976, 3   McGuire   The Wargame as Nigger   
F&M   1976, 3   McGuire   Close up: SSN/Sixth Fleet   
F&M   1990, 65   Miranda   Realism versus Sanity   Y
F&M   2006, 142   Miranda   Winged Horse Design Notes   
F&M   2009, 150   Miranda   American McGee's Alice: A Dissenting View   
F&M   1990, 66   Morgan   Wargaming and the Military   Y
F&M   2008, 148   Perla   So a Wargamer and a Black Swan Walk into a Bar…   
F&M   2008, 148   Raine   Revised Rules for Sixth Fleet   
F&M   1982, 26   Sanders   NATO Division Commander   
F&M   1988, 58   Setear   Simulating the Fog of War   
F&M   1980, 21   Stanton   Korsun Pocket   
F&M   1990, 69   Stasnopolis   Shifting Sands and Army Trucks: Campaign in North Africa   
F&M   1990, 66   Walters   The Right Tool Wrongly Used   Y
F&M   2005, 136   Zucker   Accuracy vs Playability   
Moves   1992, 72   Amador   "Deciding Who Gets to Die for His Country: The CRT in Land Games"   
Moves   1981, 59   Barnard   The Longest Day
Moves   1973, 8   Barton   Logistics in Wargaming   
Moves   1980, 52   Bloodgood   Bulge: A Statistical Report of Game Characteristics
Moves   1974, 81   Bloom   Britain Invaded…Again: A Commetary on the Ultimate Seelowe Game   
Moves   1996, 86   Chadford   Ludus Ratio Domus, Historia   
Moves   1978, 36   Clark   I See You…Do You See Me?
Moves   1991, 65   Croxton   The Problem of Perspective Or, Who Exactly are You?   
Moves   1992, 71   Desch   Basic Tactics for Beginners   
Moves   1974, 18   DeWitt   American Revolution: In Lieu of "Perfect Plans
Moves   1977, 35   DeWitt   Without déjà vu: The Need for True Surprise in Wargaming
Moves   1994, 79   Ericson   Port Arthur: A Short, Victorious War   
Moves   1975, 22   Georgian   Basic Tactics for the New Gamer
Moves   1975, 23   Georgian   The Tactics of the Advance
Moves   1972, 2   Glynn   Limited Intelligence
Moves   1981, 58   Hall   Kursk
Moves   1974, 14   Hill   Designing for Playability
Moves   1992, 70   Kisner   Finally, You are in Command   
Moves   1977, 34   Koontz   True Victory: Wellington's Victory as State of the Art Napoleonics
Moves   1979, 44   Lauer   The Search Goes On: A New, and Still Better Secret Search System
Moves   1973, 8   Madeja   Realism Theory
Moves   ? 43   McDonald   Playing with Intelligence
Moves   2000, 100   Miranda   Game Design Evolution   
Moves   1972, 2   Nofi   Simulations and Education: Some Notes and Observations
Moves   1980, 49   Palmer   Pre-Modern Logistics: A History and Wargame Design
Moves   1972, 1   Patrick   Combat results and Tactical Games
Moves   1972, 1   Patrick   Game Design: A Debate on the Rommel Syndrome
Moves   1991, 61   Patrick   The Rommel Syndrome Revisited   
Moves   1976, 43   Pratuch   This Land is Your Land
Moves   1980, 49   Pratuch   The Endless Sand: Campaign for North Africa Surveyed
Moves   1981, 54   Pratuch   Advanced Tactics, Reality and Game Part I
Moves   1981, 55   Pratuch   Advanced Tactics, Reality and Game Part II
Moves   1982, 56   Pratuch   Advanced Tactics, Reality and Game Part III
Moves   1994, 79   Rooker   Playing with a Full Deck? The Vices and Virtues of Card Play in Wargames   
Moves   1993, 77   Schlesinger    Playing Soldier: The Morality of Wargaming   
Moves   1991, 65   Shettler   The Evolution of Simulation Design   
Moves   1976, 29   Simonsen   Military Unit Symbols and Gamespeak II: An Updated Glossary of Terms Used in Wargaming
Operations Research   1962, 10/6   Danskin   A Game Theory Model of Convoy Routing   
Paper Wars   2002, 47   Burtt   Minden for One: Solitaire Games from Minden Games   
Paper Wars   2003, 51   Carey   Marathon and Granicus   
Paper Wars   1996, 24   Gruber   The King's War   
Paper Wars   2004, 54   Hinkle   Streets of Stalingrad   
Paper Wars   2007, 66   Simon   Grand Illusion   
Phoenix   1977, 9   Mackie   Designing for Schools   
Phoenix   1978, 16   Poole   Solo Boardgaming   
S&T   1972, 33   Campion   The History of Wargaming   
Simulation & Gaming   2009, 40/1   Crookall   Acting, Knowing, Learning, Simulating, Gaming   
Simulation & Gaming   2006, 37/4   Fong   Adapting COTS Games for Military Experimentation   
Simulation & Gaming   2002, 33/4   Garris   Games, Motivation and Learning: A Research and Practice Model   
Simulation & Gaming   2009, 40   Klabbers   Terminological Ambiguity: Game and Simulation   
Simulation & Gaming   1993, 24/2   Oswalt   Current Applications, Trends and Organizations in US Military Simulation and Gaming   
Slingshot   1990, 150   Grainger   Clouds in the West: A description of the Society of Ancients Megagame at Camberley on 29th October 1989   
Slingshot   1994, 171   Sabin   Phalanx: Designers Notes and Sample Game   
Slingshot   1994, 174   Sabin   Phalanx: Luck, Scenarios and the AGM   
Slingshot   1995, 181   Sabin   Maldon AD 991: Read the Poem and Fight the Battle   
Slingshot   2003, 229   Sabin   Strategos -- A New Society Battle game   
Slingshot   2009, 263   Sabin   Recent Recongstructions of the Battle of the Granicus: A Case Study in Different Standard of Scholarship   
Slingshot   2010, 273   Sabin   Publishing a Commercial Wargame   
The General   1989, 25/5   Martin   Series Replay: Gettysburg 88   
The General   1986, 22/6   Medrow   First Impressions: An Introduction to Advanced Squad Leader: Infrantry Training   
The General   1977, 13/6   Starks   The Ultimate Wargame   
The Grenadier   1981, 31   Baney   Solitaire Gaming: The Closet Erupts   
The Grenadier   1987, 31   Southard   By Chance…or By Design   
The Nugget   2009, 228   Atkins   The Nugget Cover Disc   
The Nugget   2006, 201   Barker   The Sharp End   
The Nugget   2010, 232   Barker   Sharp End: Buggarupistan   
The Nugget   1981, 5   Callan   What do we mean by Realism in Wargames?   
The Nugget   1980, 1   Cordrey   A Problem of Probability   
The Nugget   2009, 228   Crowe   Ethics in Wargaming   
The Nugget   2004, 185   Doel   Hindsight   
The Nugget   1983, 14   Drury   Musings on role-playing games   
The Nugget   1982, 12   Fletcher   Writing Wargame Scenarios   
The Nugget   1982, 12   Foxton   Generalship   
The Nugget   1981, 2   Grainger   Why Don't People Play World War II Games Any More…Except for NW Europe 1944-5, and late war Eastern Front   
The Nugget   1981, 5   Grainger   Letter to the editor (factoring in subsidiary roles)   
The Nugget   1981, 5   Grainger   WP on Morale and Battle Efficiency in Modern Wargames   
The Nugget   1982, 7   Grainger   Command & Communications in WW II   
The Nugget   1983, 13   Grainger   The Memoir of Segeant Grainger   
The Nugget   2009, 227   Griffith   The Duxford Sealion Game   
The Nugget   1981, 2   Griffith   Wargaming Considered as Art   
The Nugget   1981, 5   Griffith   Workshop on Napoleonic Generalship   
The Nugget   1981, 5   Griffith   Workshop on Simulator Games   
The Nugget   1982, 7   Griffith   An Umpire's Handbook for Running Megagames   
The Nugget   1982, 12   Harman   The Harman Page (Roleplaying)   
The Nugget   1980, 1   Hay   National Characteristics in Napoleonic Wargaming   
The Nugget   1981, 2   McCauley   Combat Efficiency and Command and Control   
The Nugget   1981, 5   Ostermann   Letter to the editor (studying COTS games on NATO for indications of American views on NATO)   
The Nugget   1983, 13   Perry   The Boardgame Page   
The Nugget   2008, 216   Rapier   The 1956 British Army Tactical Wargame   
The Nugget   2009, 230   Rapier   Surprise and the Ungame - some suggestions   
The Nugget   1982, 7   Roche    Command and Control or Foul-up and Fumble?   
The Nugget   2008, 214   Salt   Five Minutes of Rooty-Tooty   
The Nugget   2009, 229   Salt   Surprise and the Ungame: Coups d'Etat, Coups de Main, Boyd Loops and the Problems of Initiative   
The Nugget   1981, 4   Wallman   Role Playing   
The Nugget   1981, 5   Wallman   WS on Role Playing Games   
The Phoenix   1979, 26    Barnard   Highway to the Reich   
The Phoenix   1980, 26   Barnard   Gotta Pick a Pocket from Two   
The Phoenix   1977, 10   Gray   Hidden Movement: A New Approach   
The Wargamer   1989, 2.11   Blucher   Toying Around with War   
The Wargamer   1988, 2/6   Farcau   "Who am I" The Players Dilemma   
The Wargamer   1988, 2/5   MacGowan   Critical Analysis of Wargame Graphics   
The Wargamer   1987, 2/3   MacGowan   Aethetics, Function, and History in Wargame Graphics   
The Wargamer   1980, 13   Parham   Researching Streets of Stalingrad   
The Wargamer   1989, 2   Slavin   Air Force encourages Wargaming   
The Wargamer   1990, 2   Swan   A Connoisseur's Guide to Solitaire Games   
Vae Victis   2009, 84   Bey   The Companion to the "Habit of Victory"   
Vae Victis   2010, 93   Malacher   Command Ops: Battle of the Bulge   
Wargamer's Newsletter   1979, 212   Balfour   Westward Ho! Simulation Games in History Teaching   
Wargames Illustrated   2009, 255    Clarke   Philosophy, the "Stream of Consciousness" and the Art of War (Gaming)   
Wargames Illustrated   2009, 257   Smith   Competing Narratives: Philosophy, Literature and the Fog of War   

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