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Author Topic: A Most Fearful Sacrifice  (Read 13824 times)

Sir Slash

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Reply #15 on: February 22, 2023, 11:05:35 PM
Grant wasn't at Gettysburg. But he and Meade were on their I-Pads to each other practically non-stop. Also Lincoln and Halleck were supposed to Face Time Meade but got Lee by mistake because they both were using the same password, which was, 'Hood'sNuts1863'. That's the reason both armies were going in the wrong direction, the South was in the north, and the North was in the south. Plus their GPS's weren't working because they had shitty plans and had no coverage. Both sides could've really used a better Tech Dept.  :biggrin:

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Reply #16 on: February 23, 2023, 04:08:44 AM
They should've taken some "screen free" time on occasion. And Lincoln should've put them on the naughty step for using private chat

Sir Slash

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Reply #17 on: February 23, 2023, 11:37:20 AM
I agree. Grant and I handle things similarly, get drunk, smoke a cigar, and don't answer your E-Mail.  :bigthumb:

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  • Smeghead.
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Reply #18 on: February 23, 2023, 12:13:30 PM
And this was such a sensible thread when we started. ::)

“O Lord God, let me not be disgraced in my old days.”

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Reply #19 on: February 23, 2023, 01:45:59 PM
"No thread survives first contact with the AD forum members" - Moltke the Elder, probably


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Reply #20 on: February 23, 2023, 02:31:05 PM
I would be interested in a game (or series of games) that play the Battle of Gettysburg out over 3 days in 3 games...are there any?

are you looking for "Game A covers day 1" and "Game B covers day 2" and "Game C covers day 3" ?

otherwise, if you want something that covers each day as it's own 'thing' then look into 3 Days of Gettysburg (aka 3DOG) that always feels like it's running in real time....

Also - whilst on the subject of the ACW - can I ask anyone here what ACW battles they like to play out?

That's outside my expertise, as I can't stand most ACW games, sorry :(

To my knowledge, is no treatment in a game.  What could make a great game would be the campaigns of the Army of the Tennessee.
From Bragg's invasion of Kentucky, Perryville, Stones River, Tullahoma campaign, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and the Atlanta campaign.
So many exciting moments that are ignored because of the foci on the East and on Grant.

would this scratch that itch?


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Reply #21 on: February 23, 2023, 02:45:44 PM
All I can add to this thread is that I Kickstarted the newest copy of A Most Fearful Sacrifice. I tried my hardest to get the one FREE copy that they offered for the first backer, but despite my flashback to refreshing multiple devices trying to get Ticketmaster concert tickets circa 2008, I was the 4th or 5th backer.


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Reply #22 on: February 23, 2023, 03:42:33 PM
I would be interested in a game (or series of games) that play the Battle of Gettysburg out over 3 days in 3 games...are there any?

are you looking for "Game A covers day 1" and "Game B covers day 2" and "Game C covers day 3" ?

otherwise, if you want something that covers each day as it's own 'thing' then look into 3 Days of Gettysburg (aka 3DOG) that always feels like it's running in real time....

Also - whilst on the subject of the ACW - can I ask anyone here what ACW battles they like to play out?

That's outside my expertise, as I can't stand most ACW games, sorry :(

To my knowledge, is no treatment in a game.  What could make a great game would be the campaigns of the Army of the Tennessee.
From Bragg's invasion of Kentucky, Perryville, Stones River, Tullahoma campaign, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and the Atlanta campaign.
So many exciting moments that are ignored because of the foci on the East and on Grant.

would this scratch that itch?

I'll look at 3 Days off Gettysburg. I'll also have to have a look at HSN now  :notworthy:

Sir Slash

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Reply #23 on: February 23, 2023, 04:08:24 PM
TOAW 4 Had some ACW campaigns/battles if computer games are your thing. They were highly rated in the old Armchair General mag if I recall correctly, though I never played them myself. That old system was a surprisingly good fit for a lot of different wars and time periods.

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Reply #24 on: February 23, 2023, 08:42:39 PM
Hood Strikes North slipped under the radar.  Thanks, will check it out.
I think the invasion of Kentucky would make a neat game.

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Reply #25 on: February 24, 2023, 01:27:12 AM
And this was such a sensible thread when we started. ::)
Wasn't it  :silly:

Sir Slash

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Reply #26 on: February 24, 2023, 12:06:54 PM
It's not my fault. The meds weren't on time. Again.  >:(

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Reply #27 on: February 24, 2023, 12:09:34 PM
....if you ask me, the meds weren't on time about 3 years ago...................

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Sir Slash

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Reply #28 on: February 24, 2023, 11:04:29 PM
That was Electric Shock. Remember the blackouts? My least favorite was the Coldwater Immersions. My most favorite was the Warm Tapioca Baths. I've still got tapioca in my.....cabinets, kitchen cabinets. That's what I was thinking.  ::)   

Antietam was one of my favorite ACW battlefields I visited. It was so peaceful there compared with the massive blood-letting that occurred during the battle. Beautiful country really.

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Reply #29 on: June 28, 2023, 09:44:16 AM
I see that the next game in the series is to be 'The Rock of Chickamauga'.

“O Lord God, let me not be disgraced in my old days.”

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