I confess I broke my own rule.
I let too much time pass between turns, often for the best of reasons.
I now am left with two choices:
1. Confess to the KS's collapse
2. Stomp the accelerator and run the balance of it the way I should have, viz., turns every other day whether I like it or not.
This is all of you:
For France:
Portraying BOTH Napoleon I, Emperor of the French AND
Portraying Jean-Baptiste Bessières, 1st Duke of Istria, Commanding the Imperial Guard, Lance
Portraying Jean Bernadotte, Commanding I Corps, TomG
Portraying Louis-Nicolas d'Avout, 1st Duke of Auerstaedt, Commanding III Corps, Griff 2-6
Portraying Jean-de-Dieu Soult,, Commanding IV Corps, Gabe
Portraying Andre Massena, Commanding V Corps, Hatricus
Portraying Michel Ney, Commanding VI Corps Advocator
Portraying Édouard Mortier, Commanding VIII Corps: Pinetree
Portraying Jean Lannes, 1st Duke of Montebello, Commanding the French Reserve: Treb Courie
Portraying Joachim-Napoleon Murat, Prince of Berg and Admiral of the Empire, Commanding the Cavalry Reserve: Dalinore (this, though random, really cracked me up)
For the Allies:
Portraying Levin August Gottlieb Theophil Graf von Bennigsen, Russian Supreme Commander, Tolstoi
Portraying Pyotr Bagration, Commanding the Avant-garde, Barthheart,
Portraying Alexander Ivanovich Count Osterman-Tolstoy, Commanding the Russian reserve, James Sterrett
Portraying Anton Wilhelm von L'Estocq, Commanding the Prussian forces, The Command Tent
Portraying Prince Michael Andreas Barclay de Tolly, Hethwill
Dave Pumphouse
Who is still in?