Friends in my gaming group have been at me to get into Bolt Action and I finally took the plunge a few months ago. I stupidly decided to start with Canadians. I have not been able to find a single paint range that has Canadian army uniforms as a colour. It's similar for Canadian and British armour. Man, people on forums like TMP go at each other like rabid dogs over what blend of paints is best to use. At any rate, I've had to blend paints to do both uniforms and armor. Kinda sucks because I've agreed to take part in a tournament in a few weeks and so I've been batch painting and rushing things. I'm reasonably happy with how the infantry came out but I don't really like how the Churchill looks. Tried to paint is as mostly new and clean for D-Day but with a but of dust and dirt on the lower bits. I think I need to add more dust effects.
Got enough done to field a few different builds for a 1000 point reinforced platoon and I was able to try one out today. It was a meeting engagement between 1944-Normandy Canucks and German regulars. It was a fun game, but very bloody. I got very lucky with my rolls on turns one and two and off-board arty absolutely wrecked the Germans. I also managed 2 lucky hits with my medium mortar and one very deadly blow with a petard round from a Churchill AVRE that wiped out an entire German squad and a sniper team. I thought I had things in the bag at that point but a German pioneer team roasted one of my squads with a flamethrower and fire from a Wespe, a German 8cm mortar, and some MG42s took out another squad. Panzerfausts blew the track off the Churchill and immobilized it.
The game ended in a tie with both sides taking about 75% losses.