✍ It's 1925, the Roaring Tweenties, and I want to become a bestseller author of Pulp Fiction novels! The story: The exploits of one of the Imperial German sea raiders during World War One. With a few grains of salt and some dramatic license, of course. The editor needs to acknowledge the story arc, the next episode is due, soon!
🎲 Arc of the Kaiser's Last Raider by Joe Miranda is a solitaire wargame, a story engine that provides plots and clichés, events and foes for us to forge into a story that sparks the interest of our readers without overstretching their faith into the possibilities of what might have happened somewhere in the Indian Ocean.
⛴ Those who support the channel on Steady will be added to a pool and have a chance to be drawn to become part of the crew and thus the story. All supporters will get the chance to make some decisions throughout the campaign which might determine the Wolf's destiny. Get on board!