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Connections Online 2025 will be held 7-12 April, 2025. This virtual professional conference will be co-hosted by Armchair Dragoons and is aimed at the overlap between hobby wargamers and the NatSec / Defense / serious games communities.

Author Topic: Field of Glory Empires  (Read 34307 times)


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on: July 11, 2019, 11:50:13 AM
Available now.. if you already own FOG II, buy the bundle and you'll get 10 dollars off!.. 29 bucks instead of 39.


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Reply #1 on: July 11, 2019, 12:51:54 PM
Didn't even notice that and paid $39. :(  I've sent a message to Steam so we'll see...

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Reply #2 on: July 11, 2019, 01:52:09 PM
Didn't even notice that and paid $39. :(  I've sent a message to Steam so we'll see...

Grim_Reaper said he was refunding his, and then was gonna re-purchase once it goes through. It usually takes a day for a refund.


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Reply #3 on: July 11, 2019, 09:39:57 PM
The game has been on both my GOG and Steam wishlists since day 1.  Probably won't pick it up right right away, but I *will* be getting it. 

"I like big maps and I cannot lie." - Barthheart

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Reply #4 on: July 12, 2019, 08:28:39 AM
Played around with it a bit last night. This new engine is exactly what AGEOD needed. The UI is better and the game is MUCH faster than anything on the old engine. It's a typical AGEOD game with all of the moving parts to look after but it feels easier to do all of that stuff now. I even love the boardgame feel of the battles run without exporting to FoG2 (though being able to export battles is the purest of awesomeness!). I think this is going to become a favorite game of mine and I can't wait for AGEOD to release more games.  :rockon:

"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplace of existence."
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Reply #5 on: July 12, 2019, 08:57:18 AM
I wish you could make some "choices" with the Battles, like Dominions.


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Reply #6 on: July 12, 2019, 05:51:21 PM
Played around with it a bit last night. This new engine is exactly what AGEOD needed. The UI is better and the game is MUCH faster than anything on the old engine. It's a typical AGEOD game with all of the moving parts to look after but it feels easier to do all of that stuff now. I even love the boardgame feel of the battles run without exporting to FoG2 (though being able to export battles is the purest of awesomeness!). I think this is going to become a favorite game of mine and I can't wait for AGEOD to release more games.  :rockon:

I have to admit that I'm put off by the "Civ" like aspects that it seems to have. One of the things I liked about AGEOD games was that they were operational/strategic without all the "build a forge here, tech tree this" kind of stuff. They were in a unique space that allowed you to play an actual war, not a 4X game.

From what I'm reading this seems more like a Paradox game. I'm sure a ton of people will like have that - it's a crunchier version of Total War: Rome.  If it were just a strategic interface with scenarios for different historical conflicts (like the old AGEOD games are), and you could play the tactical games in FoG2, i'd be all over it.

I actually don't really like games.

Castellan -  La Fraternite des Boutons Carres


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Reply #7 on: July 12, 2019, 06:26:58 PM
It’s not very Civ like in my opinion. It’s much more like a Ageod game than that. At least the little I’ve played so far.
Never played any Total War games so can’t comment there. At first blush this feels more like Pride of Nations than anything else... that being the only Ageod game I’ve played.

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Reply #8 on: July 12, 2019, 07:00:57 PM
You can see/feel the Paradox influence I do believe, but there is still a lot more AGEOD style as Barthheart says. Now that you mention it, though, I wonder how AGEOD's Civil War II would play in this game engine.

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Reply #9 on: July 12, 2019, 09:00:13 PM
It’s not very Civ like in my opinion. It’s much more like a Ageod game than that. At least the little I’ve played so far.
Never played any Total War games so can’t comment there. At first blush this feels more like Pride of Nations than anything else... that being the only Ageod game I’ve played.

I don't know how you can't have played any Total War games. As I was recently lectured, they not only are very accurate representations of historical tactics, but have one of the best UIs ever conceived in a video game.  ::)

I'll have to look into FoG Empires some more. Sounds like it might be more my cup of tea than I thought.

I actually don't really like games.

Castellan -  La Fraternite des Boutons Carres


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Reply #10 on: July 12, 2019, 09:04:10 PM
Never played any version of the series.... never will.....  :sick:

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Reply #11 on: July 12, 2019, 09:05:02 PM
It’s not very Civ like in my opinion. It’s much more like a Ageod game than that. At least the little I’ve played so far.
Never played any Total War games so can’t comment there. At first blush this feels more like Pride of Nations than anything else... that being the only Ageod game I’ve played.

I don't know how you can't have played any Total War games. As I was recently lectured, they not only are very accurate representations of historical tactics, but have one of the best UIs ever conceived in a video game.  ::)

I'll have to look into FoG Empires some more. Sounds like it might be more my cup of tea than I thought.


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Reply #12 on: July 13, 2019, 07:13:08 AM
Panerde, watch these to get a feel of how deep this game is...  :o

It's a series of 5 ~6 minute videos that are offered as a tutorial to the game.

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Reply #13 on: July 13, 2019, 08:51:15 AM
^Those are done by Dastatic who does a great job of explaining games he plays. He is very Prattian when it comes to detail.  :bigthumb:

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Reply #14 on: July 13, 2019, 01:16:34 PM
Never played any version of the series.... never will.....  :sick:
