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  • Origins 2025 will be held in Columbus OH from 18-22 June, and the Wargame HQ will be back with over 150 events across all 5 days, and publishers like GMT, Decision, Fort Circle, Catastrophe, Ares, and the Dietz Foundation all supporting us.
  • Connections Online 2025 will be held 7-12 April, 2025. This virtual professional conference will be co-hosted by Armchair Dragoons and is aimed at the overlap between hobby wargamers and the NatSec / Defense / serious games communities.


Origins 2025 will be held in Columbus OH from 18-22 June, and the Wargame HQ will be back with over 150 events across all 5 days, and publishers like GMT, Decision, Fort Circle, Catastrophe, Ares, and the Dietz Foundation all supporting us.

Author Topic: GROGnads Conducts 'Hobby Slobbers' "Lessons"!  (Read 11986 times)


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on: September 05, 2022, 04:46:03 PM
#1 The 'Bespoke'...the 'Bespoke' NOW anyone 'capable' for "Constructing/Assemble Models" in a DAY! JUST DO NOT! Hurrying to "make this" FOR 'usage' in play tomorrow no longer mattered. You could also AMASS plenty in 1:144th scale already "Ready" online somewhere? 

The 1st TANK is an "A&A" type, with the 2nd TANK just ahead of the "Missile Transport" is of "1:144th" scale and the last TANK Destroyer is their 'Elefunt' in "1:72nd" scale, with that 'Die Cast' vehicle being "1:64th" scale.'.

The "Missile Carrier" 'Tractor' will have its "running gear" replaced with 'Tractor Tracks' from still another 'Die Cast' vehicle, by "Matchbox", no less!
The F<U>L<L> length seen of the "Bridge Too Long and Many"!

« Last Edit: February 22, 2023, 09:17:57 PM by GROGnadsUSA »


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Reply #1 on: September 05, 2022, 05:11:24 PM
#2 "Dumped" I wanted to 'impart' some from when I "messed around" with those "Battle Master" figurines. So, I wanted to 're:position' them so's NAUGHT A-L-L were exactly similar to any other! The  "Weapons Wielders" would then have these 'rearranged' into differing 'Poses' of that. For the 'Cavalry Troops', they too would become 'rearranged' FROM: 'Lance Upright'-(original position); 'Begins Slight Lowering/Tilted Forward'; 'HALF-Tilt'; 'FULL Tilted/Lowered' into "Thrust"-mode!.

THE better of 'moulding procedures' WERE dipping the 'Part' for "repositioning" into small container of "HOT Water" a moment or '2'  upon its length, and then quickly put into 'place' as manipulated for thus! I might as well begin MY OWN 'pages' about "Hobby Slobbers" *Secrets* and "Magical Moments" over 'moi' 'Decades'! Truthfully Historied


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Reply #2 on: September 05, 2022, 05:54:36 PM
#3 Thread-ways-wise Again with the "B. M." or any of similar consideration, and this WERE using 'wrappers' into "designs"/"uniform"/"colours" distinction from them. First, gather whatever kinds you can amass for these, then, "coat" the 'figurine' with some 'liquid plastic' substance and I prefer 'Varathane' of the 'Pint=sized' CAN amount FOR "dipping" pieces into that, several times even. This 'stuff' will also thicken/strengthen whatever does receive such 'prep`n'. FOR 'Metal/Weird Plastic/etc. it shall provide 'Primer' layer of which 'Paints' should adhere BEST.

The quicker 'method' for "decorating" figures WERE 'pasting wrappers' UPON instead of 'Painting', maybe tinier 'parts' fine. L@@K towards 'Halloween' and "Candy Wrappers" of abounds--NOT 'Almond Joy', nor 'Mounds', sorry.


  • Corporal
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Reply #3 on: September 05, 2022, 06:43:57 PM
Missile transport looks interesting and a fun build.


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Reply #4 on: September 05, 2022, 07:01:16 PM
Missile transport looks interesting and a fun build.
Yes as it were of 'soft plastic' composition and shall require 'plasticoat-douses' several times if 'Camouflage'/'Design'/'Wrapper' applique is desired. I only wanted with replacing their 'drive wheels' WITH 'Trackeds'-sort.

#3'-A' THEN I just now recall upon taking those 'Wheels', separating this of each 'axle' and then?... THAT 'Disc/Tire' becomes a "Mine" for placement into/onto/unto 'Games' they will 'enhance/embellish/improve',  whatever else?

Good 'Neutral'--"neutral" color too.


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Reply #5 on: September 06, 2022, 06:49:52 PM
Hey, as 'moi' neglected to denote affix/attach of 'Part'/etc. prior with 'Coats-Douse' procedure. Most for what 'Material' mine were 'composed' "of" are either 'Plastic' or 'Metallic', while don't 'trust' PAPER stuff of this, and those of Y-O-U having 'LEAD'/'Pewter'-kind can prevent exposure or guard against 'WORN-DOWN'-SELF-handled-abuse with this 'Method'. TAKE a 'straight pin' as even 'superglued' attach to insert into this for "Dipping" with small-enough 'hole poke', and then USE the 'Clothes Pin' to grasp the 'Pin-Part' to hold onto until DRY.  You can "cover up" any slight 'mark' later, oh, maybe KEEP this 'stuck' if you 'Paint'/'Applique' further since it could DRY best. 


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Reply #6 on: September 09, 2022, 01:43:43 AM
HERE were an array of 'Prototype Planes' from a 'scan' of them as produced perhaps, 20+ years ago? The "Planes, BOSSES!" Several are 'Painted' and the remainder are 'Plastic Color' as this. To further 'strengthen' them will require their "immersion" a few times into 'PlastiCoat' overall 'covering'. It seemed I recall not needing 'Primer Coat' prior to commence for 'Camouflaging'/'Details' applications.


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Reply #7 on: November 02, 2022, 06:47:24 PM
Hoi y`uns as 'moi' was recently reminded upon yet another 'source' of GLASS things, WITH: "Storm Door Panes"! When these are available, such as replacing your old. worn-out one, THEN 'recycle' those by making any into a 'Game'-covering "applique"! Yeah ours is yet again requiring 'replacement', and I already HAVE several 'glass panes' awaiting removing unwanted 'metallic frames' parts, and BESTEST`O'UTMOSTEST is these "are": F-R-E-E-D-!-!-! "Goodly Willingesque Hunting?"   

EDIT as 'moi' ALMOST 'neglected' to "admonish" upon WERE there 'sharp edges' THEN either have some nearby 'Glass Shop' remove them, or "D.I.Y."?
« Last Edit: November 02, 2022, 07:15:44 PM by GROGnadsUSA »


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Reply #8 on: November 04, 2022, 08:32:55 PM
Hoi y`s-uns as I'd recently purchased some 'Dozen Doughnuts' container and noticed the bottom portion appearing as some manner for "Power Generators"-facility, pretty similar of them "Star Wars"-'Battle for Ice Planet HOTH!' Since these have 'dual-rows' as well with being twice in length, as what you're viewing for theirs. YES! Each of their 'Model Kits' contained primarily 'Combat Troops' as well with certain 'Characters', oh, and *BONUSUSSUDIO* because there are also 'Tauntaun' mounted guys, better than "Bear Cavalry", no doubt

The 2nd 'advise' is to amass copious quantities of: 'CLEAR Packing/'Package' Plastic' from wherever there "are" such. I'll usually get-some from 'Dozen Doughnuts'/'Croissants'/'LARGER Watermelon Trays'/etc.container and I'm considering using the bottom BLACK-plastic portion as: "Games Dice Dungeons"; or whatever else becomes: "notioncentrixout"?


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Reply #9 on: November 05, 2022, 06:29:28 PM
Hoi and yet another 'aspect' WERE to apply a coat, or several, of some 'lacquer'? 'Plasticote'? 'etc.' onto any flimsier 'material' to "thickenize" that. WITH their 'Can container' you will "brush on" this and allow it to fully dry BEFORE applying further ones. The 'coats' become their 'Primer' and should allow adhesion of 'Paints' BETTERED from then on.


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Reply #10 on: December 26, 2022, 12:43:15 AM
Hoi as 'moi' had been 'reminded' upon them and HOW these went from 'Monopoly'-buildings unto 'Forts' EVEN without 'Guns'-! The "-MicoArmor-W.W.I-" are around "6mm" with a 'Resin'-cast kind being seen, too-!


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Reply #11 on: December 26, 2022, 06:25:22 PM
"and then AGAIN-?-!-" As yet some more 'concepts' for "reconfigurations" L-O-N-G before them others above, WERE them-! From this YET still = ""BLOG""


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Reply #12 on: February 22, 2023, 09:37:20 PM
I have just now been showing what a 'coated' "Fort"=piece-(bottom of imagery) of some 'pot-metal' composition would appear "as" and of any for LEAD-types, then, it'll also keep them more easily handled without incurring "lead poisonings" off of them-! Along with providing sturdier/robust thickening for some, it does allow greater adhesion of all manner for 'Paints' WITHOUT 'primers' being applied prior to that. The 'coating(s)' are excellent in having soft 'Plastics', 'metallic', or 'ceramics' , etc. allowing easier application of many 'materials' as well. So, I would consider having them "Forts" as 'Neutral'-colorized while "ownership" could become indicated with a 'National Marker' beneath of them, or within a controlled "Area".   


  • Jr Lancer
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Reply #13 on: February 23, 2023, 10:36:43 AM
Very beautiful work!

Don't be afraid, don't be dismayed


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Reply #14 on: February 24, 2023, 04:19:13 PM
Very beautiful work!
Why, thank you very much-! I made the "2-Barrels Turret" out of a 'Keyboard Button' as shown here, from where it was 'filed/smoothed down' into a more rounded type. I wanted something in which that could either become a 'Ship'-mounted sort, or even a coastal/Fortress kind and they'll use 'Rail/Magnetic' launch, of which precludes "explosives propellants" being involved. It would also prevent 'smoke discharges' to reveal their positions as well. I believe them 'Barrels' are from a 'Turret' off them "Torpedo Run"-! 'Battleships' as it is intended with having these seem on being rather H-U-G-E then.