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  • Origins 2025 will be held in Columbus OH from 18-22 June, and the Wargame HQ will be back with over 150 events across all 5 days, and publishers like GMT, Decision, Fort Circle, Catastrophe, Ares, and the Dietz Foundation all supporting us.
  • Connections Online 2025 will be held 7-12 April, 2025. This virtual professional conference will be co-hosted by Armchair Dragoons and is aimed at the overlap between hobby wargamers and the NatSec / Defense / serious games communities.


Origins 2025 will be held in Columbus OH from 18-22 June, and the Wargame HQ will be back with over 150 events across all 5 days, and publishers like GMT, Decision, Fort Circle, Catastrophe, Ares, and the Dietz Foundation all supporting us.

Author Topic: Grand Waterloo 2023  (Read 8374 times)


  • Trooper
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on: June 13, 2023, 05:06:29 PM
The IKS is proud to announce Grand Waterloo.

Master Umpire Rob (Blazertrail) will be overseeing this game.
We have assembled a team of more than 60 players. The game will be played LIVE on the IKS Discord on JULY 15, 2023, at 8 AM Pacific.

Foundry has many advantages over Tabletop Simulator, the most notable being that it is hosted on the web, so you do not need any software to participate. It has automatic fog of war, so we no longer need to worry about screenshots. That means faster turns.

We expect the game to run about six hours. It should not be as long as Grand Gettysburg was, because we have learned so much since then.

In the weeks to come, we will be upgrading our module to get it ready. We have built the pieces, and are modding in a few quality of life improvements that will make this game our signature effort for 2023.

As our showcase game, we need a lot of hands on deck. Notably, we need umpires. We will train. Umpiring is work, but it is hella fun too. Many of our members only umpire, since they enjoy it so much. Having the skill is also useful since you can then run your own games.

If you are interested in participating as an umpire, assistant, or aide, or have something you want to share with us, please contact me ASAP.

The game will be livestreamed on our YouTube. The game will be commentated by Marshall Neal and Dave Pumphouse. We hope you will enjoy the experience.

Join the International Kriegsspiel Society at

Meet me on LinkedIn, BlueSky, BoardGameGeek, YouTube and Twitch!

Et vive citoyen général Bonaparte!

Dave Pumphouse

  • Trooper
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Reply #1 on: June 18, 2023, 12:49:36 PM


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Reply #2 on: July 15, 2023, 03:16:20 PM
these guys are streaming the game live right now

you don't need a twitch login to watch, just to comment / chat


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