I'm struggling a wee bit with this.
It seems to be very geared towards the Confederates. I don't have a dog in the fight - it doesn't bother me one side has an advantage, only in so much as from a gaming perspective, one side (Union) is hobbled...so it makes playing them frustrating.
The Union leaders all seem to have low command ratings which often means they can't perform a full activation. This, in turn, means you do nothing.
In my Whirlpool scenario, I've pulled 4 divisional chits in the first turn - 3 for Birney and 1 for Barnes and they didn't pass for full activation, so none of them could do anything. That's Birney used up.
I know from my readings and watchings that the Confederates, at least early war, had superior officers. So historically, I'm sure this all fits. It just makes the game "half flat"...Confederates get to do stuff and Union doesn't.
So - I'm struggling a wee bit with the "fun" aspect at the moment.
Also, I would say the rules aren't written great. I've had worse, but I've certainly had better. Additionally, I printed out the rules on the Revolution Games website only to find out not only did they not have errata in them, but they were the first edition rules. I had the second edition of the game and the rules were slightly different in places. Not hugely - but noticable.
I've asked if they aren't going to update the manual to include errata (which would be ideal) if they could at least put the second edition rules up on their main page.
Onto the map. I love the map. It took me while to get to grips with the steep slopes...but after a while, I got there. Whilst I love the map - it is busy. It's very difficult to identify hexes...often having to find a similar hex wuiet a few hexes away and then work back to find the actual hex you want. It's outstanding looking, but difficult to navigate.
I also think the game needs a couple of extra player aid cards...one for the details of the Wild Chits and the other for details on the combat and close combat modifiers. I'm often having to grab the manual for both of these.
I know this all sounds negative, but it's absolutely not a bad game at all. I've just striuggled a bit with the manual, the map and the "fun" aspect given the neutered Union commanders.
Those are my thoughts on the game.
Now - here's something else. I'd be interested to hear from anyone whose plkayed the Blind Swords system and who have also played Battle Hymn.
I've now played both and in my head the rules are very similar. Somedifferences for sure, but things like getting support from adjacent units rang a bell when I read it. I think they are more similar than they are dissimilar. But it's been a while since I played Battle Hymn - so maybe I'm a bit foggy on the rules...I just know that stuck out to me (and there was something else that has escaped me now).