Now I had known the lighting situation was a dreadful as the mess of creativity on the table for some time. My little desk lamp tries to live up to the task. But in the end, the light is warm which causes misrepresentation of color, casts odd shadows, and it's hot like the ninth plane of hell hot. I have burnt my painting hand on more than one occasion. It also causes the paint on my porcelain pallet and miniatures to dry much quicker than they otherwise would. But we artists adapt and accept our fate. We create under the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
But I chose another route. I no longer needed to be bound and held hostage to a 20 year old desk lamp. I am a free man with the fortunate blessing being able to make decisions to escape the confines of the past into a new and glorious future. For you see, I had been saving my nickels, pennies, and dimes until the right moment. The moment I knew would come where I would spend that loose change on a new lamp! A lamp that clamps on the side of the table with a swinging arm. A lamp that has a built in magnified lens. It would be a glorious beginning on the path to the future. A future that someday when enough pennies and dimes are save will result in a overhead lamp as well!
And so my friends, I undertook a great project. A cleaning project of such attention to detail and focus; it caused my spouse to question why I do not pay as much attention to the chore of cleaning the toilet. The table is back in order with proud new addition. A painting lamp I had only dreamed of possessing over the years.