Inspired by the recent Mentioned In Dispatches episode, is there any interest in a Blood Bowl 3 tournament for ACDC? I was thinking resurrection format. Resurrection means teams will revert to their original setup after each game, clearing any earned SPP, but also clearing any sustained injuries/deaths. It would be a 3-game commitment. Each game is about 90 minutes long. Note the game has a built-in timer, so it is possible to run out of time each turn.
We would need at least 4 interested players to make this happen, but hoping for more. All details, times, etc are subject to change (just throwing something up for discussion). Any feedback or ideas are welcome. Here is what I am proposing:
BASIC RULES & TEAM CREATION- Resurrection exhibition tournament format
- 1,150,000 gold to spend on "Custom" team creation for "Positions" and "Staff"
- No Star Players, Inducements, nor Mercenaries are permitted (to keep it simple)
SKILLSTeams will have a number of additional skills based on the following tiers:
- Tier 1: Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Orc, Shambling Undead, Skaven, Underworld Denizens, Wood Elf
- Tier 2: Black Orc, Chaos Chosen, Chaos Renegade, Elven Union, Human, Imperial Nobility, Necromantic Horror, Nurgle, Old World Alliance
- Tier 3: Goblin, Halfling
No player may be given more than 1 additional skill.
- Tier 1: 5 primary skill
- Tier 2: 7 primary skills
- Tier 3: 7 primary skills + 2 secondary skills (may be used as primary skills instead)
REGISTRATION- You must be registered for ACDC to participate
- No addition entry cost besides the ACDC badge
- Teams must be submitted by January 15, 2025, so the organizer can verify that rosters adhere to the tournament ruleset
PAIRING & SCHEDULEThe first round of matches will be randomized and announced on Friday. Each following round will be determined through Swiss pairings. Tiebreakers are whatever the default is on Blood Bowl 3.
- Game 1: Start between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm Eastern Saturday
- Game 2: Start between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm Eastern Saturday
- Game 3: Start between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm Eastern Sunday
Coordinate with your opponent on Discord for an exact match time. If your opponent and you can play outside of those times without affecting the start of the next game, then go for it. Voice chat during games via Discord is highly encouraged. Spectators, please no coaching. Rules discussion/clarification and technical/interface assistance are always welcome.
Your tournament commitment, to be respectful of other players, is:- Be available to start at least during the above times
- Play all 3 games
PRIZES- Steam GC for 1st place
- Another random player that finishes all 3 games will also receive a Steam GC
- A wooden spoon trophy for last place (it's a Blood Bowl tradition) ... digital, but personalized, so you can proudly display it online