September 7, 2024

Mentioned in Dispatches, S4E6 – Megagaming a Pandemic?!

Rex Brynen takes some time out of his academic pandemic survival preparations to chat with us about megagames as a whole, but with a specific focus on a recent one that was (conveniently!) played in a former Canadian government nuclear command bunker and dealt with….

wait for it…

international response to a global pandemic!

And of course, Tim Horton’s factors prominently into the crisis response.

Rex also takes the time to talk with us about planning megagames, what sort of subjects make for good ones, and adopting them to distributed play.  Looking for more information about megagames?


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"Mentioned In Dispatches" with the Armchair Dragoons
Mentioned in Dispatches, S4E6 – Megagaming a Pandemic?!

Armchair Dragoons PAO

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