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Author Topic: A miniature journey through Middle Earth  (Read 31676 times)


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Reply #150 on: October 09, 2021, 05:26:37 PM
Wow those are some impressive minis!


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Reply #151 on: October 09, 2021, 06:21:36 PM
Oooo what’s coming?

It's a gift from the family for getting older but do to lack of in store availability it is not Middle Earth models. Vague answer I know but I will not know for certain for a couple of more days.


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Reply #152 on: October 09, 2021, 06:26:16 PM
Wow those are some impressive minis!

Cheers TCT


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Reply #153 on: October 09, 2021, 10:46:37 PM
That badger wielding the frying pan and rolling pin might be the most terrifying that's yet been posted in this thread. 

"I like big maps and I cannot lie." - Barthheart

"I drastically overpaid for this existence." - bbmike


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Reply #154 on: October 10, 2021, 06:09:04 AM
The figures are for a RPG game called Burrows and Badgers by Oathsworn Minatures, who also produce the figures. Its a lot of fun to play.

“O Lord God, let me not be disgraced in my old days.”

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Reply #155 on: October 27, 2021, 09:37:13 AM
Game night resumes after a short hiatus -

For a long time i have suffered minor defeats, and mainly major defeats interspersed with the occasional victory and left with the feeling of WTF? - not understanding why there was a victory. However tonight's game came not only with a major victory but an understanding of why

The all new, all painted Azog army went up against Timmys new, experimental Lothlorien (wood elf) army

The scenario was 'Contest of Champions' basically kill as much as you can with your leader and compare kills at the end - you practically start opposite each other and get straight to it. Unlike any of my other armies, I have no fear of putting Azog straight into the fight against anything and his surrounding bodyguard of ogres and hunter orcs are all more than capable of looking after themselves.

You see, despite it been a table top wargame, its all simple maths - throw more dice than the opponent in each face off and you have much better odds of winning the fight. The wood elves have one attack, the ogres have 3, the hunters have 2 - simply match one hunter to one elf and im already 50% more likely to win the fight, an ogre versus an elf - 66% - Timmy spent most of his time shielding, which means he gets to throw dice but if he wins the fight he doesnt strike back, and is unkillable on a natural roll of 6 - for the first time in 5 years Timmy had a bad dice night, really bad and for the first time in 5 years i had a good dice night - i cant remember seeing him roll a 6, and for extra fun the important 50/50 roll offs to see who makes important heroic calls that was standing at an amazing 27-4 in timmys favour since we started counting - he didnt win one tonight

So we crushed him, not in points, i won by one, but broke his army down to 25% of its starting 31 models whilst only losing 8 out of 27 - the Troll brute was amazing, stamping on 6 wood elf archers hiding in the forest, Azog cut down 6 and killed Tauriel, the beserkers wouldnt die, they were charged by mirkwood cavalry, survived the hit and turned round and killed both riders and horses - you know its a good night when Timmy starts complaining about my Bolt Action German Dice shouldnt be allowed to be used in the game - almost every thrown pair yielded a 6

Then the last turn, Azog had killed 6, Thranduil had killed 6, Timmy had broken, but if he could kill Azog on the last turn he would win, so he charged the big boy - both their powers and skills practically make it a 50/50 match up and for the first time he won the roll and scored 3 wounds against Azog who has 3 wounds, and one point of fate which means he can roll one dice to try and rescue one wound 1-3 fail, 4-6 succeed - it was a 4, Azog survives, Timmy gets 2 points for wounding Azog but i get 3 for breaking his army - i win by a point, but the field is littered with dead elves and a bleeding, flat Tauriel

We go again next week


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Reply #156 on: October 27, 2021, 09:42:08 AM
are those (GASP!) UNPAINTED MODELS!?!?!?!


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Reply #157 on: October 27, 2021, 09:51:24 AM
Some lovely looking figures there, though. :bigthumb:

“O Lord God, let me not be disgraced in my old days.”

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Reply #158 on: October 27, 2021, 10:12:28 AM
are those (GASP!) UNPAINTED MODELS!?!?!?!

Not only that but thranduil is actually Elrond on a horse with antlers blu tacked on - it should be an elk - it’s a gorgeous model but he hasn’t received it yet!!

He scored a good bargain on eBay that convinced him to switch from Rivendell to Mirkwood - but only the other day so much painting to catch up on

I’m actually all out of LOTR to paint - I’m painting some animals for a client, some old death korps for 40k and a dreadnought - proper pile of shame reduction - I have about 2 weeks of painting left but I am waiting on some iron hills stuff


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Reply #159 on: October 27, 2021, 08:58:49 PM
Those certainly look nice on the table.


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Reply #160 on: October 27, 2021, 09:47:20 PM
Congrats on the win, geek

(Although honestly, any Wood Elf army that includes "Tauriel" deserves to lose anyway... ::) >:( :sick:

"I like big maps and I cannot lie." - Barthheart

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Reply #161 on: November 04, 2021, 06:05:09 AM
A big moral question this week, pics first

Azog and the ogres battle their way thru the ruins

and the hunter orcs come around the other side

whilst the trolls come on the other side of the board and head for the Rohan heroes

the scenario was sacred heirloom, the objective to go to the 6 hidden objectives, and roll a dice, on a 6 this counter would be the heirloom, on a 1-5 discard the counter, it isnt the heirloom, keep looking - therefore after 5 failures to roll a 6 - the last counter would automatically be the heirloom, and then just keep hold of it until one of the armies was reduced to 25% - at the start of each turn the holder of the heirloom rolls a dice, if its a 1 hes transfixed and cant move that turn

As is normally the case after a defeat Timmy reverts to Rohan, a force he knows inside out and is undefeated with. I saw this coming and so were ready to go again with Azog - i turn over 4 counters but am unable to unearth the heirloom, Timmy is closest to the other 2 and fails to find it with the first, meaning the last counter is the heirloom, he immediately rolls a 1 and transfixes himself!  :ROFL: - in the first photo you can just make out a foot soldier between the 2 horsemen to the left of Azog - thats who im trying to catch - whoever has the heirloom at the end gets 6VP - basically the winner

Alls fair in love and war but what Timmy does is sprint to the back of the board over a number of turns with the heirloom, as would we all, but what he does is feed my troops single soldiers against insurmountable odds in an attempt to drive down his total to less than 25% men and end the game - in short King Theoden shouts 'weve got the heirloom lads, everybody kill themselves'  :censored: :nope:

right? you decide

fair? you decide?

fun? no

After falling for this a number of times, across a variety of games i dont know whether im naive, trustworthy, or just an honest gamer immersed in the universe ive created, i once played against the fellowship in a similar scenario and the opponent sacrificed sam, aragorn and frodo with the same mindset - i mean WTF

i dont play strictly to the lore, you cant, but dear lord

Anyway, my confidence is boosted once more by applying maths to the game and outsmarting even the mighty Rohan, i had 3 chances to kill theoden, killed hama and gamling and only just missed Eomer - i know for certain it shook Timmy as for the next 3 days he kept asking me questions about Azogs force making sure i was within the points limit and the allowable force composition

in the end a technical win for the asshole horse lords, i hate rohan, but a moral victory for the Pale orc


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Reply #162 on: November 04, 2021, 07:34:48 AM
I would have ruled that, while tactically a good idea, its not within the sprit of 'playing fair'. Its a bit like rules lawyers looking for loopholes to exploit in board games.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2021, 09:38:53 AM by bob48 »

“O Lord God, let me not be disgraced in my old days.”

'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers'


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Reply #163 on: November 04, 2021, 08:36:11 AM
Another round of nice photos Geek. I am confused by the scenario. Collect and hold the treasure until a force is under 25% strength? Was there no turn limit?


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Reply #164 on: November 04, 2021, 04:36:41 PM
No turn limit - grab the treasure - game ends when one force is at 25% of start - so because he had the treasure it’s in his interest to end the game ASAP so kill the rest of his army and win with one man holding the treasure