24 September 2021 ~
One Mike wasn’t enough, so for episode 2, we’re bringing 100% more “Mike” as Brant & BBMike are joined by OJsDad for the next stop on our Season 7 journey and a conversation of what we’ve played over the Summer.
Don’t forget, you can always catch up with past episodes on the “podcast” tab of our site.
There’s plenty of discussion about where we get our games – Enterprise Games, Noble Knight, Amazon, NWS, and Gamer’s Armory are all prominently mentioned – and how we decide when to go where. We also talk about how badly container ships are stacked up in port and how that’s affecting some games getting to customers (note that we don’t go into it nearly as much as Brant’s previous article, or his appearance on Ardwulf’s show).
We also talk a bunch about the different game options that people have to join up with the Dragoons online, whether it’s live on Saturday Night Fights (or Wednesday Night Warfare, or the Thursday Night Throwdown*), or one of the forum-based Kriegsspiels, or the expansive multi-player 4X games we’re currently running. There’s plenty of gaming you can join in, if you’re interested.
* yes, we’re addicted to annoyingly alliterative appellations
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