September 20, 2024

Mentioned in Dispatches Season 12 Ep 13 ~ The State of Hobby Wargaming

10 May 2024 ~

Wrapping up season 12, we’ve got a full house here to talk about the current state of hobby wargaming, what we’d like to improve, and some predictions for the near future.

So let’s join Brant & Mike and welcome back Moe (of Moe’s Game Table) and Grant (of Pushing Cardboard) and settle in for our season finale to discuss the current state of hobby wargaming in 2024.

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"Mentioned In Dispatches" with the Armchair Dragoons
Mentioned in Dispatches Season 12 Ep 13 ~ The State of Hobby Wargaming

Brant G

Editor-in-chief at Armchair Dragoons

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4 thoughts on “Mentioned in Dispatches Season 12 Ep 13 ~ The State of Hobby Wargaming

  1. Yeah, the lack of in-depth reviews, replays and the like is what’s missing nowadays, although all the reasons given for their absence are obviously valid.
    Whereas decades ago people who had something to say about a game needed to write a fairly lengthy article in order to make its publication economically feasable, since the advent of the internet anyone can pontificate a couple of paragraphs to get a point across, basically at no cost.

    1. not only that, but the short-attention-span shouty/edgy comments that are rushed out are the ones that get the most ‘engagement’ so even if you do take the time to put out a thorough, well-reasoned, entertaining, long-form review, analysis, or other commentary, it gets lost in a sea of irredeemable-but-algorithmically-promoted crap

  2. I am one who can remember the good old GENERAL MAGAZINE published by Avalon Hill, and STRATEGY and TACTICS and couple of others that many subscribed too and were must haves if you wanted to stay on top of the hobby….Wondering what you fellows advise on the most popular print mag today?

    1. There’s only a handful at this point… War Diary, S&T / World at War, YAAH!, C3i, Vae Victis if you read French, and not too much else (someone will jump in with whatever we missed), Against The Odds, and not much else. Lots of us sorely miss BATTLES! Magazine and would love to have it back.

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