July 26, 2024

#UnboxingDay! ~ 1864 On To Jutland by Conflict Sims Ltd

Bryan Boyer, 16 December 2021 ~ #UnboxingDay

CSL’s 19th-century game of Great Danes is really one for the… wait. What? It’s not about dogs?! Harumpf.

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Thanks for joining this month’s #UnboxingDay with the Armchair Dragoons and we hope you enjoyed our recon of our recent acquisitions.
You can always leave us your feedback in our #UnboxingDay thread, or in the comment area on this article, below.
The regiment also occasionally musters on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you, once we’re allowed to hold them again.

Brant G

Editor-in-chief at Armchair Dragoons

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