July 27, 2024

Connections Online 2022 Official Announcement – #TuesdayNewsday 3/29/22

Every week, #TuesdayNewsday is the intel briefing you need to keep up with the strategy gaming world


Please share this far & wide among your wargaming & other professional networks.  Thanks!



  • TN-ThisWarMMP announced that they would start shipping Arracourt as of yesterday. You can still get it at pre-order price, but it’s officially released now
  • Avalanche Press has a new expansion for their post-WW2 Panzer Grenadier series Iron Curtain that covers the Canadians. w00t!  And it’s FREE!? double-w00t!
    Oh, wait.  You need three other games, plus a Gold Club membership, plus then you get to download the 10 scenarios and assemble the 80-odd pieces yourself.  So it’s “free” if you’re already over $200 into the PG/IC series and you don’t count your own labor cost to assemble.  Well, at least the Gold Club guys get some cool new PG toys to play with
  • PSC now has British 8th Army heavy weapons crews – both mortars and machine guns – that look pretty sweet
  • Ares Games are now shipping the reprint of This War of Mine, the boardgame
  • Free League has officially released The One Ring on the world, although some pre-order copies had snuck out a while ago
  • Wargame 2027 just released on Steam and is 30% off





huh…  I guess GMT’s going to continue to ignore & under-serve the oft-neglected WW2 Eastern front market, eh?



DRAGOONSHappyHourEvery Monday, starting at 5pm US EDT, we kick off a virtual happy hour on our Discord server.  Some days it lasts about 45 minutes; others it goes for 2-1/2 hours. We start a little earlier so the European Dragoons can join us, and stay on the line as long as folks want, so the rest of the West can pop in as they punch out of work.  Here’s a calendar invite you can stick on your own schedule to remind you to join us.






Planning continues for Connections Online, being held from 18-24 April 2022, with the Core Events being held 19-21 April from 10am-4pm EST.  As the Armchair Dragoons are the co-sponsors of this event, you’ll get regular updates each week in Tuesday Newsday between now and launch.

  • Core events are largely set, but exact times are being confirmed.  They’ll include
    • Recent Innovations in Wargaming
    • How Wargamers Get Hired
    • Designing a Professional Wargame
    • Methodologies for Designing Cyber Wargames
    • Wargaming Outside the NatSec World
  • Extended events will occur across all 7 days, at a variety of hours that do not conflict with the Core Events.  Current planning includes, but is certainly not limited to
    • Wargame Bootcamp (multiple sessions) for VASSAL / TTS usage
    • Moderated panel, and a seminar game for the 40th anniversary of the Falkland Islands War
    • Wargame Design Workshop, where participants will actually design the broad-strokes mechanics of a wargame
  • Registration will go live this week
  • All Core Events will be streamed through YouTube, but using unlisted URLs, which will limit live interaction to registered attendees.  After Connections is over, streams will be made public.  Some – but not all – Extended Events will be streamed.
  • If you are interested in volunteering with Connections Online, please drop a note in our forums or contact us at armchairdragoonsevents – at – gmail – dot – .com











Don’t forget we’ve got a dedicated area of our forums for the professional wargamers.


And finally….



That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.

We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.

Armchair Dragoons PAO

Official Public Affairs account for The Armchair Dragoons, for official site news, and other contributors.

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