July 27, 2024

More Recon of Lock ‘n Load Tactical Digital

Armchair Dragoons PAO, 26 March 2020

We all know about the Steam delay in pushing out the LNLT-Digital game, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to stop teasing you.

First off, we do want to note that LNLP now has their own Steam publisher community. (In case you didn’t know, we’re on there, too!)

Second, we know that it probably wasn’t very nice of us to tease you with screenshots of a module that’s not even been announced yet in the initial LNLT-Digital release, as Heroes of the Red Star isn’t supposed to be in that launch.  To make it up to you, we’re going to do it again!

Here’s some screenies from the Falklands scenarios.

click images to enlarge

LnL Preview-Falk 4

You’re still welcome!

LnL Preview-Falk 5

Thanks for reading!  We’d love to have your feedback either in the comment area below, or in our discussion forum.  You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube

Brant G

Editor-in-chief at Armchair Dragoons

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