July 27, 2024

#UnboxingDay – The Deadly Woods by Revolution Games

Billy Riley, 21 October 2021 ~ #UnboxingDay

I recently purchased a game called The Dark Summer:Normandy ’44 by Ted Raicer. I haven’t played it, but I liked the look of it and when I realised he had some other games, I decided to pick up another one (I like games that use similar systems – it helps solidify the rules)

So this is another Bulge game – of which I think I’ve got about 5 now.

Box Art
Box art depicts some Shermans covered in snow – it was cold apparently during the Bulge campaign.


click images to enlarge

Box – Rear
The back of the box shows the map, some counter examples and some blurb on the game


Player Aid Cards
There are 3 player aid cards – Player Aid 1 shows a breakdown of the counters and Player Aid 2 and Player Aid 3 is a double sided card (of which there are 2)


Rule Book
The rule book is plain white paper – no colour and it’s 20 pages – so short and sweet.


Counter Sheets
There’s only 1 and a half counter sheets – so not a lot of clipping required. They are standard cardboard stock, too.


Setup Sheet
I don’t really know what this is for – presumably setting up – but I’ve never used anything like this. I guess it’s to assist in showing you where units start on the map.



The map is nice with victory hexes highlighted



That’s it. Not a lot in the box really. No dice which is unusual – I’m not bothered about that but I do believe it’s the first time I’ve ever had a game that didn’t come with additional dice.

There are two scenarios – a 6 turn German attack scenario and a longer, 12 turn campaign scenario which also includes the Allied counter attack.

Thanks for joining us for #UnboxingDay this month with the Armchair Dragoons and we hope you got your rocks off ogling our new toys.
You can always leave us your feedback in our #UnboxingDay thread, or in the comment area on this article, below.
The regiment also occasionally musters on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you, like Origins.

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