July 27, 2024

SDHISTCON Follows Us Into The Virtual Realm – Tuesday Newsday 20 October 2020

Yep, it’s #TuesdayNewsday and here’s what you should care about in wargaming this week  >>>

This Week’s Headline:

San Diego Historical Games Convention (SDHISTCON) has moved online this year, and there might be some stray appearances by the Armchair Dragoons with them!  Harold runs a great show and the guest list is excellent.

Veterans’ Day Weekend, all online.  Give it look!

(as a side note: our next virtual con is on the drawing board for January)


Newly Released This Week:

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Newly Launched This Week:

There’s a bunch that’s hit Kickstarter lately, plus the usual preorders

  • Shadow Network lets you get your inner spy on
  • The WarStorm series finds a new home with Draco Ideas, and they’ve launched Help Arrives, another Spanish Civil War game
  • The Zweihander RPG system heads to Colonial America with a very interesting mix of history and fantasy, in a quite intriguing setting Flames of Freedom
  • Compass has already announced The Conquistadors, and we talked about it a bunch on our last podcast.  It’s on Kickstarter right now, if you want to throw some shekels at it.
  • Privateer Press pulled a “Warhammer” and took their fantasy-based Iron Kingdoms and scooted them into a sci-fi future.  The first release of their Neo-Mechanika set blew up on Kickstarter, and the current expansion, Collision Course, is busy stacking up stretch goals.
  • Tiny Battle Publishing is taking preorders on D-Day and Beyond, in what’s a very large package for a company called “Tiny Battle”
  • CSL are taking preorders on their 1973: The Yom Kippur War game.
  • Who doesn’t love dice?  And showing off their love with dice?  Steve Jackson’s got candy-heart d6s on IndieGoGo right now.
  • Quarterdeck International has a pre-publication offer on their St Lo game, an update of the old WEG game.  The $70 game is going for $55, and limited to the first 24 orders.


New from the Dragoons:


News From The Wargame Industry:

  • Thin Red Line Games have announced The Dogs of War, the next game in their LT60M series.  It covers the BAOR and the northern side of the NATO flank.
  • Quarterdeck International has a bunch of wargames on sale thru November 8, including Tornio ’44, Custoza, and Obbedisco, among many other obscure battles for you to dig into.
  • Paradox has some Hearts of Iron IV DLC’s on sale.  Both Battle for the Bosporus, and La Resistance are marked down right now.
  • Lest anyone thing we’re ignoring them, we’ve been following Clash of Arms’ page ever since we started Tuesday Newsday, and there’s been no movement on it at all.  Zip. Nada. Squat. Zilch.
  • Z-Man Games has announced that they’re bringing back Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers
  • Matrix Games is running a big Carthage-focused tournament for Field of Glory II.
  • We’re pretty sure that Columbia isn’t getting out of the wargaming business, but if you follow the “wargames” link from their homepage, you get an error page.  Doesn’t bode well!



The Professional Wargaming World:


Something From The Real World That You Can Use In A Game:


Something From Our Partners:


This Week on Six Degrees of Radio:


That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.

We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.

Armchair Dragoons PAO

Official Public Affairs account for The Armchair Dragoons, for official site news, and other contributors.

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