September 20, 2024

Back to Reality! – Tuesday Newsday 1/19/21

Every week, #TuesdayNewsday brings you the headlines in wargaming and the strategy gaming world  >>>

This Week’s Headline:

Hey, maybe you heard that we had a convention?  If not, welcome back to Earth and we hope your jaunt into outer space was enjoyable.  We’ve got an AAR coming up later this week, but we had over 100 folks gaming all weekend long with a bunch of fun events, including some pretty excellent seminars & interviews, and we’re going to do it all again this summer, too.

patreonLogo-1This Week’s Other Headline:

Hey, maybe you heard that we launched a Patreon?  If not, we could understand your distraction with the convention, so here’s the follow-up.  We’ve launched a Patreon to help offset our hosting and technology costs, and start to upgrade some of the things we do here.  We have a few different levels where people can contribute, but note that the higher levels have a limited number of ‘spots’ to be claimed so that we can keep this whole thing manageable.


Newly Released This Week:

  • Devil Boats from Compass Games is starting to land in mailboxes, and you can still get it at the preorder price.
  • S&T Press is shipping  World at War #76 with Operation Jupiter: Churchill’s Plan to Invade Norway 1942 but you can also get it without the game
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  • Thin Red Line Games is now shipping Dogs of War everywhere except the US & Canada, since that supply is now sold out.  There are a few copies at Noble Knight, but that’s it.
  • Renegade Game Studios finally released the Altered Carbon RPG.
  • Paul Rorhbaugh has been busy, with 2 new games that have launched.
    • HITTING HOME, Axis Raids on the Soo Locks 1942 & 1945 looks at the planned-but-never-executed raids
    • BLACK HELL, Assault on Los Negros Island, February 29-March 9, 1944 is a battle in the run-up to retaking the Philippines.
  • Dark City Games have released Uprising, which looks like a cross between Spartacus and the old TSR A4 module.


News From The Wargame Industry:


Newly Launched This Week:

  • Columbia Games has Rommel in the Desert on Kickstarter and it blew thru it’s funding goal in a hurry.
  • Tom Lee has a Market-Garden card game on Kickstarter, too.  Says it plays in 20-40 minutes, and you can read the rules on the campaign page itself.
  • There’s a really neat RPG book called Dangerous Destinations on Kickstarter that gives you a bunch of system-agnostic locations and details.  Looks great.  Lots of details, including NPCs.  Won’t be delivered ’til 2022 (yikes!).
  • OK, so look, there’s a ton of STL files on Kickstarter that people want to sell you for your 3D printer. Seriously, go look. So this one is worth calling out just because they aren’t selling the file.  It’s 3D-printed terrain, but it’s (get this) the actual terrain!  Oh, plus it’s pretty cool-looking exotic terrain that’s ‘ancient’ history for alien planets.  They’re a long way from their goal, but it looks really damned cool.
  • Loke Battle Mats are taking preorders on a pretty cool book for Towns & Taverns.


New from the Dragoons:


Something From Our Partners:

We kept people plenty busy last week supporting the Armchair Dragoons Digital Convention.


The Professional Wargaming World:


  • that’s “ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #1 2nd Edition is now available from Multi-Man Publishing

This Week on Six Degrees of Radio:

A look at some great music from the past 40-odd years, with stories about the different songs.


That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.

We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.

Armchair Dragoons PAO

Official Public Affairs account for The Armchair Dragoons, for official site news, and other contributors.

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