September 13, 2024

Mentioned in Dispatches Season 12 Ep 5 ~ Classic Wargaming

8 March 2024 ~

Moe’s back!  And the Molotov Cockatiel joins us, too, as we take a spin through some classic wargames – how far back they go, why we love them, which ones we can’t stand, and how classic wargames might be like your favorite musical artists.

You can always catch past episodes on the “podcast” tab of our site.

We also take some time to discuss how the business has changed a bit from in-house design & development teams to freelance designers and occasional development teams.  We learn a bit by cracking open some old rulebooks.  We talk about what’s still on our shelves decades later.  And since Moe’s here, we can’t help but talk a little hockey.

Some references

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"Mentioned In Dispatches" with the Armchair Dragoons
Mentioned in Dispatches Season 12 Ep 5 ~ Classic Wargaming

Brant G

Editor-in-chief at Armchair Dragoons

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One thought on “Mentioned in Dispatches Season 12 Ep 5 ~ Classic Wargaming

  1. 40+ years ago, a German win in The Russian Campaign on the Sep/Oct 1943 turn, dropping the two optional airborne units on top of Gorki that was occupied by Stalin, Stavka and a “2” Worker. 1:2 odds, plus a Stuka to make it 3:1. I’m pretty sure that was not only the quickest German win ever in the many solo games I played, but the most dramatic.

    Another solo game saw the Germans lose all but two of their armor corps by the spring/summer of 1942. How did it happen? Well, as I remember, they had the bad luck to at first lose one or two, and then kept making chancy attacks to try to make up for it, but just kept losing. It still took the Soviets until sometime in 1944 to take Berlin, as I remember.

    Still another solo game of TRC saw practically the entire German and Soviet armies lined up, facing one another across the rivers in late 1944, along the line Astrakhan, Stalingrad, Saratov, up toward Mocsow and Leningrad. Needless to say, that one ended in a draw.

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