Here’s our #TuesdayNewsday recon at the strategy gaming headlines of the week
Wow – no big new drop from GMT, and there’s still plenty of new stuff to go hunt down, both on the board and minis fronts. Which ones are you going to hunt down?
We’re continuing our countdown to Origins with a preview item each week until the show. Also, our original Wargame HQ event preview had some of the event numbers wrong, and they’re fixed now.
New games released in the past week that you’ll find interesting
- Thin Red Line Games has gone DEFCON 1 with their reprint of Less Than 60 Miles, and these things sell out so fast that Taylor Swift is jealous
- Osprey has finally “officially” released Undaunted: Battle of Britain and we’ll have it with us at Origins this Summer, so you can come learn to play with designer David Thompson
- S&T #341, with articles on The Creek War of the early 1800s and the game on the campaigns in Italy in 1943, has shipped to subscribers, and is now available for the public to order
- Avalanche Press have offered up Journal #29 – normally a Gold Club exclusive – to the general public; it’s all about old tanks pulled out of storage in the early days of WW2
- The product page for 2040: An American Insurgency has shifted from “pre-order” to “sale” so it looks like it’s now live
- Two new ones from Steve Jackson: Munchkin Druids and the RPG supplement Gregor’s Guide to Gates
- New, non-wargamey-stuff from Blue Panther: Boom & Zoom and Cock & Bull
- Warlord Games’ new stuff this week includes Sd.Kfz 7/2 3.7cm SPAAG With Armoured Cab and Napoleonic Dutch-Belgian Horse Artillery With 6-Pdr
- Continuing their rollout of the late-war Berlin German series for Flames of War, this week Battlefront unleashed
Crowdfunding or pre-orders ~ if you can pre-order it now, here it is
- Hey look! Another Gettysburg game! This one’s from Worthington and it’s on Kickstarter right now
- Right after we went to press, MMP put the BCS Valley of Tears on pre-order
- Worthington also has a Waterloo Solitaire boardgame on pre-order on their own site
- Kings of Rome is the new one from Acies Edizioni, and it’s on Kickstarter right now
- CSL are taking pre-orders on their VSTS: Marathon game, at a discount
- Pre-order for 2nd-edition of War Room is on Nightingale’s website thru end of May
- Next game from DiSimula Edizioni is on Kickstarter: The Soft Underbelly, 1943-1945
- Tomb of the Dundel Chief is a throwback RPG module, now on Kickstarter
Stretch your budget a little further with these deals
- Easy Roller has their wooden dice cases on sale with coupon code CASE20 at checkout
- Humble Bundle has FTL: Faster Than Light for less than a cheap latte, and in 7 languages
- 1971: Indian Naval Front covers the nautical conflict from the 1971 Indo-Pakistan War, and is on sale on Steam right now
- Worthington Games has a Holdfast bundle with Korea, Tunisia, Atlantic, and Pacific all in one set for about $150 off
- Legion Wargames has Slouch Hats & Eggshells on sale for $10 off
- S&T’s game-edition magazine sale this week is World at War #42 with Pacific Battles: Shanghai
What were the Dragoons up to this past week?
- Saturday Night Fights ~ The Fight for Fort Glory for “What a Cowboy!”
- Enhanced DoD Wargaming According to GAO and Relevance to Hobby Wargaming
- This week’s Origins Preview ~ Wargame HQ Event Previews
- FL(W)GS Spotlight ~ The Game Chamber in London, Ontario
- Mentioned in Dispatches is on our Summer hiatus, but will return in the Fall
- The Giant Civ 6 AAR: Nubia, Part 16 (discussion thread here)
- The Grand “Champions of Krynn” AAR ~ Part Four (discussion thread here)
- Gameplay this week
- This week in our forums
- Upcoming Dragoons Events (and don’t forget to check the event calendar for everything else)
- Wargame Days at The Gamer’s Armory in Cary, NC ~ 4 June and 2 July
- Next #UnboxingDay1 will be THIS WEEK!
- Next virtual event is The 2024 ACDC, 12-14 January 2024
- Next Real-World Convention is ORIGINS in Columbus, OH, from 21-25 June, and here’s our discussion thread
Don’t forget to check our consolidated event & convention calendar for more!
You can also submit your own events for our calendar here.
- 18-22 May Compass Expo Spring ’23 (Meriden, CT)
- 27-29 May KublaCon (San Francisco, CA)
- 21-25 June ORIGINS (Columbus, OH) and our discussion thread
- 23-25 June WarGamesCon (Austin, TX)
- 7-9 July Human Wave (Washington, DC)
- 19-23 July Historicon (Lancaster, PA)
- 22-30 July WBC (Seven Springs, PA)
- 3-6 August GenCon (Indianapolis, IN)
- 17-20 August HistoriKC Fest (Kansas City, MO)
- 18-20 August SDHistEast (Portsmouth, RI)
- 20-22 October The Inaugural Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly 2023 (Cary, NC)
Also, we’ve now updated our consolidated events calendar to include the Flames of War / Team Yankee events from Battlefront
As announced on our podcast on 3/31
The Inaugural Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly 2023
20-22 October 2023
The Gamer’s Armory, Cary NC
Details will be announced after we get back from Buckeye Game Fest, and registration will open this Summer before we head off to Origins, and will be capped around 40 or so attendees.
In partnership with The Gamer’s Armory, we’ve got our first in-person convention coming up in October, where we’ll be taking over about half of the store. We’ll be playing games in probably the biggest vendor booth you’ll see at a convention, and making plenty of new friends.
Stay tuned for details!
As a reminder, Regimental Patron-level Patreon supporters get a free badge for all Armchair Dragoons-hosted events.
Our fellow content creators from the wargaming world
- Rocky had fun playing in the final assignments at Georgetown
- Moe digs into Littoral Commander
- My Own Worst Enemy shifts to the PTO with Conquest & Consequence
- Liz Davidson comparing game design to education
- Pushing Cardboard wraps up another Weekend at the Warehouse
- Ardwulf’s counter clipping stream talked about The Crimean War
News & notes from the business end of the gaming world
- Decision Games has a new mega-feedback survey, about World At War #90
- Noble Knight are fighting the Battle of the Belly Button (note that it’s all spelled correctly on GMT’s box)
- Not often that hobby gaming shows up in the general press, but The Washingtonian magazine covered Circle DC and Votes for Women, and publisher Kevin Bertram waded into the “what is a wargame?” discussion
- A great look at the design work behind the upcoming Battle of Kyiv game from Herman & Dokter
- VUCA Sims has updated the artwork for Red Strike and it’s looking pretty good
- Also, the latest on Twitter…
The CSR Awards are pleased to confirm that the 2022 Nominating Committee has completed its deliberations and is determining the final nominees for the 2022 Charles S. Roberts Awards. We remain committed to our mission and process and our special 2022 Awards Timetable. [1/2]
— The Charles S. Roberts Awards (@CharlieAwards) May 15, 2023
Don’t forget we’ve got a dedicated area of our forums for the professional wargamers.
- Visit with Natalia as she talks about wargaming on the Dead Prussian podcast
- If you’re a wargaming practitioner, there’s a new course from CSIS about “designing, managing, and interpreting” wargames and other high-level sims/exercises
- It was a few weeks ago, but the War on the Rocks article on Competition Is Inevitable, War Is Not: Using Games To Rethink The U.S.-Chinese Relationship is worth a read
- A few years ago, Harvard Business Review had an interesting article about wargaming & grand strategy
- The next GUWS webinar is today, but in the middle of the day, with Aggie Hirst joining from the UK to talk about The Politics of Play: Wargaming with the US Military; on June 7, Kay Schrier talks about Designing Games for Empathy and Compassion
- PaxSims has a long and detailed report from the WATU game held at the Derby House last week
Something neat from outside the wargaming world we thought was worth sharing
That’s all for this week!
Be sure to drop by our forums and join the fun, and next Tuesday we’ll drop some more news on you.
We appreciate you visiting the Armchair Dragoons and hope that you enjoy our weekly news dumps!
Please leave us your feedback in our discussion forum, or in the comment area below.
You can also find the regiment on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and occasionally at a convention near you.